Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 51 through 60 (of 2306)
January 4, 2015
Minor MeMail bug...or not!
I've noticed that, after sending a message, the Your Inbox "tab" link includes "sent=1" and the only way I've found to clear the "Your message was sent" message is to use the little (more difficult for me to click on) envelope link. This just seems like odd behaviour, is it intentional? [more inside]
January 3, 2015
Losing my place when rotating.
Since the using the new themes, which I love, on my Nexus 5, whenever I rotate to landscape and then back to portrait I end up back at the top of threads. [more inside]
December 14, 2014
Redundancies in navigation
There are currently some links on the front page menus that seem a bit redundant. [more inside]
October 7, 2014
Custome search doesn't search fanfare?
Has anyone else run into a problem pulling up fanfare threads through site search or am I an idiot? [more inside]
September 30, 2014
General call to scriptmakers!
The new MeFi redesign seems fairly stable (like, pb's not going to do a massive rollback tomorrow or anything), and I'm sure there are a lot of people using various scripts which don't work any more. I've thought about asking individual script writers about updates, but I don't know which scripts have been abandoned, which are active, etc., plus I know that other people are using all kinds other scripts, so here's a general call to script users: If you're using a script and it no longer works, post it here! And a general call to script writers: If you think "Aw, I'm sure nobody cares about my ole script anymore", give the thread a look! If you see people posting that your script isn't working with the redesign, that means your script is still loved! Consider giving it an update, if you have the time!
Has iOS 8 broken Metafilter commenting?
Ever since I updated my iPad2 to iOS 8, commenting on Metafilter has been a royal pain. If I try to cut and paste part of someone's comment the page will often start to go into a screwy scrolling dance up and/or down and then crash. If I click out of the comment box for any reason it's impossible to resume writing in it (i.e., tapping in the comment box doesn't bring up keypad). Is anyone else having these problems?
September 25, 2014
Metafilter, Android, nginix or NSA bug?
Occasionally metafilter articles are garbled on my Android phone, although it happens very rarely on my Linux desktop chrome as well. Here is a sample screenshot, in which the discussion on the shellshock /bin/bash bug takes a very ominous turn. Reloading the page fixes it, although I do lose my place. Most frequently it happens with the inline updates.
August 14, 2014
Not Sure if Bug Report or Pony Request
I can't login using Lynx. Specifically, I can't get Lynx to even prompt me to accept any cookies from Metafilter, and I think I know why. The problem seems to be with when cookies expire. [more inside]
August 7, 2014
Disappearing Favorites from Recent Activities
I've been following the Israel/Gaza post through the Recent Activity My Favorites tab. Today, that post stopped appearing there for me even though I still have the post listed as a favorite. I've tried un-favoriting and re-favoriting with no luck in getting the post to reappear in recent activity. I've tried logging out, clearing all cookies, and logging back in. Still no luck. How do I get this post back into the Recent Activity My Favorites tab?
May 26, 2014
Bug with favorites and "load recent comments"
I'm seeing a bug while favoriting comments that've been loaded through the "recent comments" auto-loader. If I add an auto-loaded comment to my favorites, all the loaded comments vanish once the favorite's been added. It seems to occur while the site's loading up the new favorite count — I get a brief "adding favorite" dialogue, and then, boop, all gone! This is occurring on Google Chrome on OS X; I'm not sure if anybody else is getting this, but I've tried this on multiple subsites and it's a recurring and consistent bug.
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