Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 561 through 570 (of 2303)
October 6, 2007
Search isn't really working
C'mon. Give us the search secret. When I plugged a link for a post I wanted to make into the search field, nada. But when I composed the post, I got a flag of the prior post. What gives? [more inside]
September 25, 2007
Favorite counting bug?
I think there may be a bug in the "# favorites" accounting code. [more inside]
September 21, 2007
Giant stone statues shrink Recent Activity
When this post shows up in Recent Activity, the long small-text quote gets truncated, the <small> tag is never closed, and the rest of Recent Activity is rendered small.
September 20, 2007
RSS vs. Page formatting
Why does this question lose all formatting even though it is formatted in my RSS reader? Doesn't appear to have happened to other questions nearby.
September 14, 2007
does anybody else see this? (Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty))
September 13, 2007
I didn't request my password?
I got a "Your MetaFilter password request" e-mail but I didn't request my password? [more inside]
September 12, 2007
JavaScript Error Drama
favorites.js refers to document.getElementById("fav") which is null. This will lead to error pop-ups on every page for some users. If this is not immediately fixed I will resign my membership in protest.
September 9, 2007
Clicking links ≠ open new?
Clicking links ≠ open in new tab/window? [more inside]
September 8, 2007
Improperly formed MetaTalk RSS.
MetaTalk RSS doesn't validate, isn't properly formed XML--due to unquoted special characters. This seems to be getting irritatingly common, is something missing out of the auto-quote list, or could we have auto-quote for the RSS beefed up in general? AskMe never seems to have problems, just MetaTalk almost every week or so.
Has anyone else had this problem with Internet Explorer while logging onto Metafilter? [more inside]
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