Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 551 through 560 (of 2303)

October 25, 2007

Login Error

I'm getting this error [see more inside for error] every morning when I log into any Mefi site. I can delete any cookies related to MetaFilter and get in ok but I thought that I would only have to do it one time. It seems I have to do this every day. Is this something that anyone else had reported? Thanks! [more inside]

October 24, 2007

inline youtube keeps going away?

Why is it that i keep losing my settings for in-line youtube? It seems like whenever i change my change anything in my profile, it works, and then a few days later, the embedded youtube links are gone again. Is this a known bug or what?

October 22, 2007

AskMe RSS bug?

Bug? Anon post came up as less-than-anon in (my) RSS feed. [more inside]

October 19, 2007

Rendering issues

I've come across a few issues in my latest AskMefi post related to rendering. [more inside]

October 18, 2007

Top of the Blue looking strange.

Is the header on the blue looking strange to anyone else? On mine, the "New Post," "My Profile," "Preferences," "Recent Activity" and "Favorites" links are all smooshed together underneath the search box (not the tabbed links, just the text links). I'm viewing the site in IE, WinXP, and I just noticed the smooshed links within the last hour.

wanna see dem peektures

What happened to the Flickr pics on profile pages? and the photostream? Also my Flickr link under the "social apps" section of my profile has been disappeared. [more inside]

October 16, 2007

Email addresses in profiles?

I can't see any email addresses in member profiles. What is happening?

The email code doesn't update the image.

The new graphic email code is broken. [more inside]

October 11, 2007

mystery tags from the twilight zone

If we click on the music tag, and scroll down to see the Users who often use this tag, we find that CKmtl has used the tag in 65 posts, and nkknkk has used the tag a staggering 164 times! But in fact, it's not true. What's up? [more inside]

October 6, 2007

User javascript for fixing live preview on Opera.

I've been fooling around with user javascript for Opera and fixed a few problems with the live preview. The first problem is that it doesn't appear at all for me. The second problem is the sluggish live update performance when viewing longer threads. My solution is available here, but I wouldn't mind if it found another home, like the metafilter code? For instructions on how to install and enable user javascripts, go to Opera's documentation. [more inside]

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