Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 571 through 580 (of 2303)

September 7, 2007

Mefi frontpage is blank in Opera 9.23

I'm using Opera (9.23, Windows NT 5.1; U; sv) and all I see at the Metafilter frontpage is nothing at all (image). Mefi works fine in IE. Whatever has caused this, it must have happened during the past 12 hours.

September 6, 2007

More inside picky?

I just posted in a thread on the blue and the more inside wasn't visible in preview. I'm on Safari. Anyone else seeing this?

August 31, 2007

The New Left. No, wait...

Small inconsistency. On members' posts/comments pages, < newer / older>> point opposite to all the regular pages, which are < older / newer>>. Not terribly annoying, but easy to fix, no?

August 29, 2007

Can't upload songs to music

Uploading songs to mufi is maybe broken? Or maybe it is just me?

August 26, 2007

is it brokeded?

Is there something broken in this askme post? I can successfully click on any more inside except for that one.

August 25, 2007

quis custodiet custodes


August 24, 2007

Dark blue forevah!

On my favourites page, the dark blue popups that appear when I hover over a link never disappear when I move my mouse away.

August 22, 2007

Over-active Activity

I was digging through my "Activity" and discovered that, in Safari, clicking on "Older" or "Newer" opened the next page in a new window. Clicking "Older" or "Newer" in that window opens yet another new window. And so on... Weirdly, clicking on "Older" or "Newer" in Firefox opens the pages in new tabs. Repeatedly.

New Search Box on Blue / Horizontal Scroll Bar

The "Google Custom Search" box on the blue is causing a horizontal scroll bar to appear in Firefox/Windows. The input box is just too darn large. I'd guess 100 pixels or so too wide?

August 21, 2007


I've been getting "connection reset while page was loading" errors every time I've tried to access any of the domains for awhile now. I post this in one of the small 5-minute windows of access which have opened up over the past few days or so. Is there still work being done on the site, or is the borkage on my end? [more inside]

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