Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 491 through 500 (of 2303)

February 27, 2008

Recent comment tab can't count.

The comment count on the MeTa "Recent Comments" tab doesn't account for deleted comments. [more inside]

February 24, 2008

Mefi music player won't play

Can't get the mefi music player to work, even though I just reinstalled flash (it's flash-based, right?). It works on my laptop though, not sure why. [more inside]

February 19, 2008

Older Posts in Tag page

When clicking on Older Posts when in an AskMeFi tags page I get records 6-55 of 55 rather than 51 - 55 as the heading suggests.

February 13, 2008


New search is not my favorite [more inside]

February 12, 2008

Tag+user searching broken for retro-tagged posts?

Listing posts by a specific user with a specific tag fails for some older posts, probably because they've been retrospectively tagged. [more inside]

February 11, 2008

Why is my favourite count wrong?

My user profile page shows I have one favourite, yet when I click to see what it is, I see a page that tells me I have no favourites (which is correct, as I don't use that feature). What's the dealio? Anyone else seeing an incorrect count on their profile page?

February 8, 2008

italic, bold, link buttons gone in ff2.0.0.12?

Not sure if this is a mefi bug or not, but my italics/bold/link buttons seem to be missing in firefox since updating to [more inside]

February 1, 2008

Small Favorites are Small.

I like My Favorites when it's legible... [more inside]

January 31, 2008

How to hack a MeFi URL using only post numbers?

How do I hack a MeFi URL if I only have the post number and not the title? For example, does not work, but does. [more inside]

January 29, 2008

Three ways to get to San José?

Is there any functional difference between Recent Activity, My Comments (tab) and My Comments (link at bottom of page)? [more inside]

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