Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 481 through 490 (of 2303)
April 2, 2008
Can't get in to Metafilter with Firefox
I can't log in with Firefox, Safari's working just fine. Following Jessamyn's suggestions I deleted cookies & disabled greasemonkey, but just get directed back to MeFi homepage as not logged in. Anyone else having trouble? Anyone solved it? [more inside]
March 28, 2008
BIG VOTES vs small votes
Somewhat unimportant but, why do projects under 10 posts look like this while using Opera?
March 27, 2008
1. Please delete my FPP. Unbeknownst to me, the link contains NSFW ads.
2. Even after filling out the captcha on the contact admins page, I get "Couldn't send your message. Please go back and make sure you fill out the captcha before you send your message." [more inside]
March 22, 2008
Did I dream a post deletion?
Am I imagining things, or was this post deleted at one point, then re-appeared?
March 19, 2008
Favorites... from the past!
Being vain, of course, I noticed this morning that someone favorited my song. The details show two favorites, though, one of which is from 2006. Which I am fairly certain is not the case, unless somebody's got a sweet time machine. [more inside]
Contacts Favorites Bug?
Last Five Favorite posts from ___'s contacts & Last Five Favorite comments from ___'s contacts does not match up with Favorite posts from ___'s contacts & Favorite comments from ___'s contacts. I guess it's vaguely possible that this is because "Last" works on when something was favorited as opposed to when the favorited thing was posted, but the discrepancy is pretty large and I think there's a bug there.
March 10, 2008
What happened to live preview?
What happened to live preview? And why do I have to hit preview before post now? [more inside]
March 9, 2008
Time stamps disagree with profile
The time stamp for a comment / post no longer agrees with the displayed server time / preferences time in the user profile. [more inside]
March 5, 2008
Blue meta make head spin
March 3, 2008
Having a Change of Heart
There ought to be a way to undo the "(remove from activity)" button on the Recent Activity page, since commenting anew doesn't do it.
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