Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 501 through 510 (of 2303)
January 28, 2008
Meetup sidebar bug?
On the Upcoming Meetups sidebar in both FF2.11 and IE7, the Feb 8: Chapel Hill, NC post appears twice though I'm imagining it shouldn't.
January 27, 2008
One hack Two hack Red hack Blue hack
I guess I missed the memo: when did Matt start handing out red usernames? And are other colors available? [more inside]
January 25, 2008
Double the AskMeFi goodness in my RSS
Anyone else getting double AskMeFi RSS posts?
Anyone else getting double AskMeFi RSS posts?
[more inside]
Sidebar borked
Plutor, your contact mangled the sidebar... [more inside]
January 21, 2008
Mislink fix
Two posts today accidentally link to Metafilter instead of their intended targets. On the main page, they link to, but within their individual threads, they link to their own individual threads. How is this done? Also, this seems like a pretty common mistake; I've seen it happen a few times before. To prevent the admins from having to go in and fix things, maybe the New Post code should check to see if any links point to the the main site (and if so, ask the user whether this was intended).
January 17, 2008
Check on this one.
I see a check mark by this question on the AskMe front page, but no best answer marked inside. [more inside]
January 11, 2008
On preview, zipperhead.
Previewed HTML works fine, posted HTML less so... [more inside]
January 6, 2008
Preventing duplicates
New post form's URL search is broken. [more inside]
Does the thread of all threads (Givewell) break Google Reader? Or is it a feed settings thing here? Or (more likely) am I doing something wrong? [more inside]
Save Mr. Crashy Pants
Add as a contact may or may not be broken, but it crashes Safari. [more inside]
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