Posts in the MetaFilter Gatherings Category.
Displaying 191 through 200 (of 2235)
April 15, 2010
There are Pictures of Monkeys!
It has been some time since Providence was the place to meet up. I say we change that. [more inside]
Chapel Hill/Carrboro Meet-up?
Time for a Chapel Hill/Carrboro Meet-up? [more inside]
April 13, 2010
Sydney Meetup?
Sydney Mefites? I am trundling over the desert to Design-EX next week and would like to meet you fabulous creatures. [more inside]
London meetup!
London mefites, want to meetup with a couple of San Francisco mefites? [more inside]
April 10, 2010
Philly halfling clerics represent!
D&D (or related RPG) mefites in Philadelphia area? [more inside]
April 9, 2010
Burque/Santa Fe meetup
Anyone in Albuquerque want to get together? I'd be open to Santa Fe, too, if we can be somewhere near the Rapid Ride route. [more inside]
Mushrooms. Bunny heads. Mefites.
Yes, I was (and am) completely serious: PDX 10.7, 24 April at Enchanted Forest (near Salem). Two-week reminder. [more inside]
How to be notified about a post with X tag?
How can I get notified when X topic comes up? For example, I'm interested in a Twin Cities meetup but don't log in every day. Is there a way to make a tag and get MeMail'ed or something when a keyword like Minneapolis or MeetUp is posted? Thanks.
San Francisco, April 30th, 7:00PM. Be there?
Hey, San Francisco, I'm coming for a visit April 30th. [more inside]
Do you hear that Doug? I'm coming to London!
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