Posts in the MetaFilter Gatherings Category.
Displaying 201 through 210 (of 2235)

April 9, 2010

Up for a little mischief?

Please help me get to the SF meetup this weekend from Fresno. [more inside]

April 8, 2010

Free Ticket to Ted Leo and the Pharmacists at Irving Pl.

I have an extra ticket for Ted Leo and the Pharmacists for tonight (Friday) at Irving Plaza NYC. [more inside]

April 6, 2010

Neat Stuff in SoCal?

Going to be in LA between the 15th and 20th of this month. [more inside]

Orbital-SF Meetup

I'm not the most timely of chaps, and SF folks are already meeting this weekend, but might any MeFites be going to see Orbital at The Warfield next Friday, April 16? Or anyone want to meet around there before or after the show? [more inside]

April 5, 2010

Kansai Tour 2010!

Any chance for a meetup in the Kansai region of Japan? [more inside]

April 2, 2010

Atlanta NTC Meetup?

Is anyone going to NTC in Atlanta next week?

Hey-yo At JoCo

Absolute Last Minute Question About Stuff In NYC: Anyone going to see Jonathan Coulton tonight at the Skyline Ballroom? Just wondering if any other MeFites will be there.

April 1, 2010


I am presenting an installation at an audio art festival in Baltimore in May. Does anyone want to meet up? [more inside]


Another Seattle meetup? [more inside]

March 31, 2010

Bloomington IN meetup?

Anyone in Indiana interested in a Bloomington meetup? [more inside]

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