Posts in the MetaFilter Gatherings Category.
Displaying 181 through 190 (of 2235)
April 20, 2010
Publishers meet over drinks to solve the problem of pirating once and for all!
Are you going to BEA in New York next month? Will you be in New York on the 26th of May? Do you like books? [more inside]
Winsor and Newton factory tour meet-up!
Meetup-with-an-ulterior-motive: Winsor and Newton factory tour in Middlesex, England, on May 4, 2010 -- anybody? [more inside]
April 19, 2010
One HELL of an Act of God
Because I'm currently sheltering a refugee, I got to wondering - is any MeFite currently stranded by the volcano? Would a "needs shelter/has shelter" matchup thread be useful right now? [more inside]
April 18, 2010
Que apprendimos a MaxFunCon?
Meetup Sub-thread: MaxFunsters LA 5/6 + Robot Skeletons/Hobos + MaxFunCon! [more inside]
San Diego!
Hey San Diego! I'll be in town May 1 - 6 for a conference. Any interest in a meetup or other shenanigans? [more inside]
Arizona getaway, getaway...
Phoenix AZ meetup on Wednesday the 21st? [more inside]
April 17, 2010
ROFLCon meetup part 2
Boston/Cambridge: Is anyone going to ROFLCon on April 30th and May 1st and/or interested in meeting up afterwards? [more inside]
Please don't let this Los Angeles meetup thread die prematurely
Dearest Angelenos, we've had two different meetup threads that have ended in nothing--let's maybe salvage at least one of them! [more inside]
April 16, 2010
A City So Nice They Named It Twice
NYC Meetup? [more inside]
Well shucks y'all, back home they said San Francisco was just heathens and fornicators...
Is San Francisco all Meetupped out? Or are there SF MeFites who might want to get together to show a Texas boy a good time next weekend? Evening of Saturday the 24th (so that people nearby can make it in easier)? [more inside]
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