Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 141 through 150 (of 2305)

April 10, 2012

Delete and favorite query

Are search and favorite broken? [more inside]

April 4, 2012

Hobgoblins of a little mind

April staff tags are not showing up in Recent Activity. [more inside]

March 31, 2012

determining doomed and deleted discussion dates

My temporal ocd wonders why deleted posts show up as being from the previous day, significantly confusing my time/date continuum meter. Examples: this and this

March 23, 2012

Post/Preview buttons

The new css Post/Preview buttons buttons added last year don't have any :active styling. [more inside]

March 11, 2012

Mobile stylesheet changes?

Have there been changes made recently to the ask me mobile stylesheet? Specific things I've noticed in last couple of days: title of ask posts are now in bold, poster's followup comments no longer marked. [more inside]

March 10, 2012

New comments since last visit in Chrome is funky

Is there weirdness occurring with the "new since last visit" numbers on the front page in Chrome? [more inside]

March 3, 2012

Did the text size on the blue get shrunk?

Text size issue - looks smaller on the front page of the blue than it used to. I increased text size in my profile, now the blue looks "normal" (like it did before) but MetaTalk and AskMe look much bigger. [more inside]

March 2, 2012

live preview

There is definitely something wrong with live preview [more inside]

Favorites bug?

"You've hit your favorites limit for the day" - I have favorited 16 comments today. Nothing I've tried (cookies, etc.) has fixed it. Anyone else having this problem? (Previously)

February 28, 2012

get in line

The byline in this comment isn't showing up on its own line. [more inside]

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