How to show and hide US political posts June 4, 2024 12:28 PM   Subscribe

Hi all, just a quick note about US political posts for those interested in them and those who are not.

If you’re making a post about politics in the USA, please add the tag “uspolitics”. By doing this, the post is automatically added to the US Politics sidebar. This sidebar is located on the right hand side on desktop and at the bottom of the page on mobile.

From that sidebar, each individual user can choose to show or hide posts tagged with the ‘uspolitics’ tag by clicking "Show US politics posts" or "Hide US politics posts". If you choose the latter, posts with the 'uspolitics' tag will not appear on the front page of MetaFilter or in the sidebar.

If you see a USA politics post that doesn’t have the ‘uspolitics’ tag, you may able to add the tag yourself, if you and the OP of the post are mutual Contacts.

If you're not able to add the tag, you can contact the mods and we can add it!

In summary: please add the 'uspolitics' tag to posts about that subject and by doing so, individual users can choose to display or hide USA political posts.

That’s it for this purely informational MetaTalk post!
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) to Etiquette/Policy at 12:28 PM (1 comment total) 16 users marked this as a favorite

Mod note: Minor correction: posts aren’t automatically added to the sidebar by using the tag. A mod has to go into the backend of the post to assign the post to the sidebar. The uspolitics tag just ensures that people who choose not to see US political posts won't see them.

Also edited post to do “camel case” for the tag aka UsPolitics vs uspolitics, as some people find the former easier to read. In the system they’re treated as the same tag, so there’s no worries about creating separate tags.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 5:22 AM on June 5, 2024 [6 favorites]

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