Meanwhile, on Etsy... September 26, 2011 4:31 PM   Subscribe

A few months ago, honey-barbara posted an FPP to highlight the work of Wendy MacNaughton. Many mefites especially enjoyed her illustrated documentary in watercolor on the San Francisco Public Library, part of an ongoing series she does for The Rumpus. Appropriately enough, it has now been turned into a book.

The book can be purchased via Etsy: The San Francisco Public Library in Its Own Words, along with a small sample of her other work. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book will go to support the San Francisco Public Library.
posted by cali to MetaFilter-Related at 4:31 PM (3 comments total)

Oh, sweet. Hopefully she does one on the dogs/dogparkers too!
posted by honey-barbara at 12:08 AM on September 27, 2011

honey-barbara don't care.
posted by Naberius at 7:10 AM on September 27, 2011

I missed the original post. Thanks for the update!
posted by deborah at 1:44 PM on September 27, 2011

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