Posts in the Etiquette/Policy Category.
Displaying 141 through 150 (of 4717)
July 5, 2018
Pony request: clearly marked political megathreads
I love the unique titles MeFites comes up with for posts. I live for a well-constructed description full of links and clever word play. But, that makes it hard, sometimes, to differentiate a thread about some current event and the latest political catch-all. Can we have an above-the-fold notice that this, for whatever the value of 'this' is, is the current political megathread? [more inside]
July 2, 2018
Argument clinic: arguing without fighting
Arguments are fun. Fights aren't. What makes a good argument, and how do we avoid turning them into fights? [more inside]
June 26, 2018
Multitudinous greetings, Sapients! Pop rock quiz, hot lot: Does MetaFilter have an official chat channel/room/area/quadrant/etc.? This is a fact: IT DOES! [previously: the unofficial MetaFilter chat site (yes, I am coordinating!)] It is a very fun and interesting and wondrous place (especially when I am not there) full of assorted cute animal GIFs (especially when Metafilter's Own bread crumbs is there) and random nonsense (especially when I AM there) and perennial nemises (because jeather, your personal nemesis, is there). I promise to you that we do not bite unless you notarize the consent form and submit it in dodeclicate six to eight weeks or greater in advance - guess how that tradition started! The cabal (TINCC) decrees that you guess, as the court records are sealed and salted and bound by blood. Ha HA! Dental appliances. Please stay frosty and/or toasty, and as always, vote your preferred quantum flavor of quidnunc kid #1!
June 15, 2018
Want more site activity? Yes! When do we want it? Hopefully soon!
We've been chatting in the funding thread about a number of things, including the necessity of growing MeFi's userbase and creating a site climate that facilitates that. That discussion has a lot going on, so I thought it might be good to have a dedicated space specifically to talk about user site climate encouraging more discussion, commentary, and joining in on this community. That is: how can we as a community make this space enjoyable and interesting to engage in, both for strangers and each other? [more inside]
June 12, 2018
Where to talk Soccer?
The 2018 World Cup begins in just two days! Some MeFites are going to VERY excited to talk about the games at length, and some MeFites are going to be VERY eager to not see every second FPP be soccer-related. [more inside]
June 5, 2018
World Cup 2018
Hard to believe it's been 4 years since the last World Cup, which after some discussion resulted in a series of front page posts [first, second, third, fourth].
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
With live events [like Olympics, Eurovision, Academy Awards] sometimes hosted on FanFare and sometimes hosted on MetaFilter [royal wedding], is there a plan, procedure or policy for 2018 World Cup On Metafilter? [more inside]
May 30, 2018
Pony request: identifying links to Medium
I know this isn't something mods can do, but thought I would put in a request here for people posting links to restricted-access content on Medium to identify their links (eg SLMedium or similar). [more inside]
May 24, 2018
Sibling violence
I’m troubled by some of the responses to this post, wherein the OP describes being assaulted by his sister. I feel that some of the replies were victim-blamey and elevated the severity his actions to the level of her behavior (which involved actually punching him in the face, among other things). [more inside]
May 18, 2018
The royal privilege
Regarding the mod note in the royal wedding thread, why are we pushing an unabashed royalist view of this spectacle? Should any negativity of this really be off limits?
May 1, 2018
AMP is not the Open Web
Does Metafilter have a policy about Google AMP urls in FPPs like this one? Might we consider stripping them out? Or do the benefits (mobile friendly speed, primarily) outweigh the possible costs (Google controls more of the web)
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