Posts in the MetaFilter-Related Category.
Displaying 241 through 250 (of 8457)
January 21, 2023
Recommendation for a sleep dress?
I seem to remember a comment in the last few months on AskMe for a sleep dress on Amazon that was long enough not to ride up and/or cool (temperature-wise) to sleep in. I'm not finding it on searches on AskMe or on Amazon. Help?
Metatalktail Hour: Saturday & Sundae
Happy weekend, friends! Now that we are allowed to do it legally, let's all scream about ice cream! For today's metatalktail chat, I'd like to know your thoughts on the cold sweet stuff. What's your favorite flavor, brand, dessert, concoction? Do you have a sweet ice cream memory or experience to share? What goes on your Sundae? Are you an ice cream maximalist or an ice cream minimalist? Do you ever whip your own concupiscent curds? [more inside]
January 14, 2023
Metatalktail Hour: Can I eat this ... word?
Happy Weekend, friends! For today's metatalktail party, I'd like to ask about your experience of synesthesia, if any. Obviously all of us are not synesthetes, but I think most of us have distinct sensory reactions to at least some words, for example. Do you hear, taste, smell, see, or feel certain words? Tell us about it! [more inside]
January 13, 2023
what are you listening to? open music thread. share what you're listening to. feel free to link to a youtubes, spotify, or soundcloud, just share some tunes with the rest of us, sending good vibes to you all
January 7, 2023
Metatalktail Hour: Easy as 123?
Happy weekend, everyone, and happy 2023! For today's metatalktail topic, I was thinking that as a system of characters representing phonemes, I believe we can all agree that the Alphabet has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more ... so maybe we can do an alphabet checklist for Metafilter? I think we have "M" safely covered, and "A" is surely for "Ask Me," but what about "B"? Best Of? Brand New Day? "C"? ... [more inside]
Old comment about soda taste?
Does anyone remember an old comment about the taste of soda, and how if you had a discerning palate you could taste the difference between sodas that were made in different regions because the local water there would impart a unique flavor, and then the comment ended with an admission that, no, actually, everything the comment had just been claiming was sheer nonsense? Been looking to screenshot that.
January 2, 2023
6th Annual Mefi Valentine Mail Exchange
Happy New Year everyone!!
This year, I’m organizing the Valentine card swap with the guidance of our awesome, talented the primroses were over and mochapickle.
This is a casual valentine card exchange and there is no pressure. [more inside]
Mortals should think mortal and not immortal thoughts.I feel I must point out a serious discrepancy among the membership demographics
Epicharmus of Syracuse
Simply put, we are overloaded with divinities and royals and have too many cooks to spoil the less than enough porridge with a severe deficiency of the salt of the earth. [more inside]
December 31, 2022
Metatalktail Hour: How auld is your lang syne?
Happy weekend, dear friends, and happy brand new year! 🎉 As we put our old acquaintance, 2022, in the rear view mirror (with perhaps some measure of relief), I'd like to ask about your traditions for celebrating the new year holiday, whenever you celebrate it. Any special foods, games, customs, rituals? What will you be doing, if anything special, to mark the transition? [more inside]
December 30, 2022
The battle is lost
Trying to find an old comment, possibly about a contentious grammar/usage issue ("irregardless" type thing but likely not "irregardless") where one user was consoling another in slightly archaic military shadings: "I agree with you, we were right, but the battle is lost, comrade. Spike the cannons and retreat" [more inside]
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