Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 461 through 470 (of 2303)
May 10, 2008
AskMe Broke as a joke
Is anyone else's AskMe page broken? [more inside]
May 9, 2008
Georgia on my mind.
May 8, 2008
Don't Fix Me, Bro
Has code been added to "fix" "invalid" HTML? [more inside]
"Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."
I'm trying to post in this thread... I can preview, but when I try to post I just get "Your comment appears to be blank, go back and try again."... and I'm pretty sure my comment is not blank...
May 7, 2008
Bug in just one FPP.
"Protection from the Atomic Bomb" doesn't display a link anywhere in the text of the post (for me). The rest of the page is fine. What happened? [more inside]
Twitter on profiles isn't updating
My profile is showing my "last" Twitter status as an update posted two months ago. I've made plenty of updates since then...
May 5, 2008
Obscure bug found only because I'm realllllly bored at work
The last five favorited posts from my contacts is borked. It shows that the last favorite was added over a year ago. But, for example, the contact shown (grumblebee), has favorited a bunch of stuff since then, including a post today.
May 2, 2008
But I was just here!
Why doesn't MetaFilter always recognize that I have visited? [more inside]
April 27, 2008
Bizarre Firefox behavior: MeFi background colors get lighter hue over time.
Bizarre Firefox behavior: MeFi background colors get lighter hue over time. [more inside]
April 26, 2008
Why aren't my preferences saved globally?
Are preferences saved per machine only? I have the plain background at my work computer and on my laptop, but my home desktop is the default colors even though "plain" is chosen on the preferences page for all 3 computers.
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