Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 211 through 220 (of 2303)

January 12, 2011

Vetting for doubles.

This is the second time I've made an FPP that's been a double and it hasn't turned up in my searches before posting, or warned me in preview that the site has been linked to before. [more inside]

January 8, 2011

Chrome weirdness

Chrome weirdness : Something about the back button seems to get broken, especially after I post a reply in a thread, where I end up in an endless loop and can't back out of the thread unless I right click and choose something further back in the history. Anyone else experiencing this?

December 19, 2010

"1 total comments"?

"1 total comments"? [more inside]

December 15, 2010

viewing job from profile removes formatting

I've just posted my availability in Jobs and it seems that when I go to view the ad from my profile, the formatting of my post seems to have disappeared. [more inside]

December 14, 2010

Feature request: enable https for everything on mefi, including posting.

Feature request: enable https for everything on mefi, including posting.

December 13, 2010

Counting Bug

Minor Bug: Under Popular Favorites, it says that the Mystery Science Theater post had 90 favorites. If you click on the favorites, it lists 153. If I recall correctly, it was accurate yesterday. That's about it, and please​dont​let​this​be​a​discussion​about​favorites. Thanks!

Is my Twitter hacked on Mefi?

Why does the Twitter plug-in on my MeFi profile page feature a spam tweet about acai but when I visit my real twitter feed that spam tweet is nowhere to be found? [more inside]

December 7, 2010


sufficiently Do the "ff"s in this font look funny to you? Or is it just me? [more inside]

December 2, 2010

Back... To Yesterday!

IRL Bug: this event, which happened yesterday, is showing up in the "Upcoming" part of the sidebar for me.

November 24, 2010

Flickr flickr little star, where art thou?

Why in the world will my Flickr profile not link up? [more inside]

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