Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 201 through 210 (of 2303)
February 22, 2011
Tags in the title?
When did tags in AskMe posts start appearing in the title at the top of the window?
February 15, 2011
I can't think of a title
The My Comments page isn't showing the number of new comments anymore. [more inside]
In a blizzard she was lost
What happened to the pony we named "Wildfire" -- i mean, the "x new" feature? Gone already?
February 12, 2011
Safari bug
Safari 'in-page' player youtube glitch. [more inside]
February 11, 2011
Who broke metafilter?
Is something weird going on with metafilter today? Sometimes I can't get to any of the pages ("Oops! Google Chrome could not find"), and sometimes it's just metatalk or my own profile. I don't think I've got through to my own profile page in about six hours now, but the other pages are up and down.
Is it just me?
February 9, 2011
empty hrefs in recent activity
When viewing the recent posts to this (excellent) thread on my recent activity the links to Heyfourfour's video and slides are replaced with empty href's. [more inside]
January 27, 2011
Live Preview feature is broken for Ask MetaFilter.
Live Preview feature is broken for Ask MetaFilter. [more inside]
January 26, 2011
Cool! Melbourne Meetup (5 months ago)...
Are the IRL RSS feeds expected to work? [more inside]
January 14, 2011
RSS feed nitpick
I recently added the sideblog RSS feed to my Google Reader page. The title always shows up as undefined.
If you were not aware I wanted to point it out. If you were aware but didn't care, I'm fine with that.
Bits of MeTa freezing in Firefox
Bits of MeTa freezing in Firefox [more inside]
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