What's the one subsite you've never posted to? January 28, 2025 9:18 AM   Subscribe

For those of us who participate on most of the subsites (MeFi (the front page), MetaTalk, Ask, Music, Projects, Jobs, IRL, and FanFare) -- if you've made posts to all of them except one, what is that one? And if some alternate universe version of you did make a post to that one remaining subsite, what would it be about? This is meant as an invitation to curiosity and amusement.

For me: Music is the one I've never made a post to, although I've commented there some. If a very-slightly-different-from-our-universe's-brainwane did, she would probably record and upload herself singing one of the silly little songs I (we?) make up and sing with my (our?) spouse.
posted by brainwane to MetaFilter-Related at 9:18 AM (21 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I've never posted to Music because I don't make music. You would all be very sorry if I tried because I am very, very bad at singing. Very bad. Not much better at playing instruments, but at least you wouldn't have to hear me sing.

I've never posted to Jobs because I don't have a job to offer anyone. I could imagine using it to promote openings on our team, but government hiring processes are extremely rigid so it isn't like I could give MeFites an in to the job.

I would guess that those are the two most likely for most people, just because they are very specific.
posted by jacquilynne at 9:51 AM on January 28

I have never posted to Metafilter. The complexity level (as evidenced by the number of posts on MeTa about "what is a post this is not a post why is this a post this should not have been a post we need a rule about whether this should be a post") is way more intimidating than it should be, the commenting pitfalls are many, and I prefer to remain in Ask, where the parameters are clearer and the norms are more easily understood and followed.
posted by pdb at 9:56 AM on January 28 [7 favorites]

I've never posted to Projects, Music, Jobs, Podcast, IRL, Chat, or Mail, because I don't want people to know who I am.
posted by one for the books at 10:20 AM on January 28 [2 favorites]

i've only just worked up the nerve to use Ask--in the past i was always worried i'd use up my one question and then something hugely important would arise that i needed to ask about but enough time wouldn't have elapsed--but then that didn't happen, and so now i have asked a couple of questions. it's nice!
posted by mittens at 12:13 PM on January 28 [1 favorite]

Fanfare Talk is the only zero on my profile page. I should do something about that.
posted by jessamyn (retired) at 12:26 PM on January 28 [1 favorite]

I'm posted on them all! Though for some it's just been as part of my mod duties. But still! I should get a cookie or something. Or just go buy myself a cookie, yeah.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (staff) at 12:37 PM on January 28 [1 favorite]

I've never posted to FanFare, Music or Jobs. Quite simply I have nothing to post there.
posted by Too-Ticky at 2:44 PM on January 28

Never posted to Jobs, Music or Projects and probably never will.
posted by briank at 5:20 PM on January 28

First, I just checked my profile and I see that I have a bunch of zeros. I also never knew there was such a thing as MusicTalk or FanFareTalk. Hmm. I have 1 comment and no posts to FanFare. I simply do not watch a lot of TV or watch a lot of current movies. I do have one comment on FanFare It turns out that I wrote one of my favorite sentences I have ever written, "...My major takeaway is that both are as slippery as a doorknob at a Diddy party." referring to the two most recent candidates for Vice President.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:55 PM on January 28

Jobs. Projects and Music. I have lots of projects and music, but can't share them because it would break my anonymous status here. Back when I was easier to find via my old username on the site, I got some mild harassment off site and that was enough for me. Even with my new username, people still were making fun of me on Reddit thank goodness they don't know who I am. I don't participate here for that and my eyes are open now.

When I first joined MeFi I was 21 and it was 2001 so I had no idea how risky the internet could be. Wish it wasn't so but.
posted by tiny frying pan at 5:52 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

I also never knew there was such a thing as MusicTalk or FanFareTalk.

Almost no one does. The way the site presents then, they are super easy to miss. Drop down menu flew under the radar for me for years.
posted by tiny frying pan at 5:53 AM on January 29 [2 favorites]

I've never posted to IRL, but lately I've been thinking about it. I would like to try to organize a meetup in my area because my partner and I (another MeFite) are interested in having political discussions in person with thoughtful folks who are local to us. You wouldn't think that would be a hard thing to find, but our friends and family have less appetite nowadays for engaging in these kinds of conversations. We both post on the blue and the green, but it's not the same as talking in person for us (we are in our 50s).
posted by little mouth at 8:46 AM on January 29

little mouth, I cheer you on in doing so! (Some relevant thoughts/tips I shared last year.)
posted by brainwane at 9:00 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

FanFare: I don't watch TV or movies much, or if I do, there's already been a post about it saying all that I would like to say.

Music: I don't make music, and same as FanFare, in general I don't have anything new to add to the discussion.

Projects: in general, Projects is about things you make that other people can use or look at online. All of my personal projects are things like quilts or refinishing a table, or learning to make hamantaschen that don't fall apart in the oven, or a cross stitch that won a ribbon at the state fair. Nobody in this space cares. Hilarious pictures of my mutated loser hamantaschen or my in-progress cross stitch are more appropriate for my 16 Instagram followers, one of whom is my mom.

I've had a couple jobs for Jobs, but they were more gigs than jobs. I'd re-post some of my workplace's public job listings if I thought it would do any good-- we love bringing in new, cool people. But there are like maybe 5 other Alaskans on this site and these jobs are not remote-eligible.

Oh! Also Mall. I don't sell anything.
posted by blnkfrnk at 10:45 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

(And if some alternate universe version of you did make a post to that one remaining subsite, what would it be about?)
I am learning that, in the alternate universe that has posts from y'all on more of the subsites, several MeFites have suddenly moved to Alaska and/or had perfect pitch bestowed upon them.
posted by brainwane at 10:57 AM on January 29 [1 favorite]

mall, chat, irl, podcast, jobs, music (?), projects
posted by supermedusa at 10:52 AM on January 30

I also never knew there was such a thing as MusicTalk or FanFareTalk.
I also also didn't know these existed.

I've only posted in MeFi, MeTa, AskMe and Jobs, but have participated in all the things except MusicTalk and FanFareTalk. I would hope me in an alternative universe would have perfect pitch and be able to play multiple instruments, so I could constantly post my latest creations and allow all and sundry to bask in my greatness.
posted by dg at 1:56 PM on January 30 [1 favorite]

> things like quilts or refinishing a table, or learning to make hamantaschen that don't fall apart in the oven, or a cross stitch that won a ribbon at the state fair

I would love to see those things. In fact we did talk earlier this month in the GSD thread on IRL about a space for art and crafts.

Haven't posted on Music as am not musical. Did not know FanFare Talk existed. Haven't posted on Projects, but will keep it in mind for next time I do a Thing.
posted by paduasoy at 9:12 PM on January 30 [1 favorite]

I've posted on all of them except Music and I've commented there, although rather long ago. Do I win a prize? Like dg, I would need an alternate universe me with the actual ability to play an instrument or sing on key or something. I wish.

I can, however, play Blackbird and the intro to At Seventeen on the guitar, or I used to be more or less able to the last time I tried which I think was about a decade ago. I learned how when I was, of course, seventeen. If I ever am in the presence of a guitar and minded to try again I will record and post it.
posted by mygothlaundry at 4:07 PM on January 31 [3 favorites]

I have never posted to Metafilter. The complexity level (as evidenced by the number of posts on MeTa about "what is a post this is not a post why is this a post this should not have been a post we need a rule about whether this should be a post") is way more intimidating than it should be, the commenting pitfalls are many, and I prefer to remain in Ask, where the parameters are clearer and the norms are more easily understood and followed.

I have to agree with this. I've posted to MeFi exactly once and it was one of the 2016 election threads, which were following a specific format. I've found many cool things I thought about posting but always chickened out.

Fanfare and Ask are much easier to deal with.

I do make music and somehow never posted there, I will have to do that.
posted by mmoncur at 7:53 PM on February 2 [1 favorite]

I recorded something this morning and decided to post it to Music! If you think my singing voice is not good enough for strangers to listen to, and you can sing better than me, this is evidence that you, too, can record yourself singing and post it to Music.
posted by brainwane at 7:41 AM on February 9 [3 favorites]

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