[MeFi Site Update] July 19th July 19, 2023 11:30 AM   Subscribe

Hi there, MetaFilter!

Welcome to your monthly Site Update! The last update is here. You’ll find some updates regarding the site below. I’m looking forward to your feedback and questions.

Reminder: I will be the only mod monitoring this thread so please be patient as I reply to your feedback and questions.


– We’ll kick off our regular Annual Fundraising for next month and the team is brainstorming ideas to start. If you have any suggestions or proposals for activities you would like to see during the fundraising month, let us know.

– Consultation with experts about community governance is ongoing and continues. Thanks Jessamyn for working on this. We’ll make an announcement when we have specific news and will wrap it in with fundraising discussion.

– Hiring someone to assist frimble is still in process, we’re defining the specific projects we want to start with before reaching out to the potential candidates. If you are interested in hearing more and want to be considered, please email me directly at loup@metafilter.com.


– We’ve made several changes to Community Guidelines, Microaggressions and Content Policy per the last update. Most of the additions come from the contributions of the BIPOC Board as well as other feedback we have gathered from users in the past months. And, yes, I'm aware of the small formatting issues in parts of the text, I've fixed that already and we'll push the fix live soon.

– We’ve made some back end changes to how flagging is communicated across mod shifts for better management of longer threads that may attract a lot of flags.

– The FAQ updates will be live on the site by next Monday.

Technical changes

– frimble fixed some things that were affecting Brandon’s ability to access moderator functions
– Cat–scan.com is back online (and with HTTPS!)
– We changed the FAQ and flavor text to promote CamelCase for combined tags for accessibility on all New Post pages and preview pages.
– We’re looking into how to handle posts with all–emoji titles and the resultant auto–generated email that still goes to cortex for this rarely–occurring bug.

BIPOC Advisory Board

– Notes for the June BIPOC Board Meeting have been approved and are now posted in the Global BIPOC Board page.

If you have any questions or feedback not related to this particular update, please Contact Us instead. If you want to discuss a particular subject not covered here with the community, you’re welcome to open a separate MetaTalk thread for it.
posted by loup (staff) to MetaFilter-Related at 11:30 AM (17 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

It seems like they’re being forced to take on a lot of the work of the old Steering Committee,

That's not the case. The 3 main areas of activity of the BIPOC Board are:
  • Advising & Liaising
  • Community-Focused Initiatives & Direct Action
  • Research & Data Analysis

  • During the meetings with them, we provide them with extra visibility about what is happening at the organizational level so they know what is coming but they set their own agenda and there are no labour requirements for them other than providing advice and attending the meetings.
    posted by loup (staff) at 12:34 PM on July 19, 2023 [2 favorites]

    The minutes are great. Hoping to see the BIPOC Board's advice followed with alacrity towards what I expect to be very welcome improvements to the site overall. Great work 😊
    posted by otsebyatina at 2:29 PM on July 19, 2023 [6 favorites]

    Hiring someone to assist frimble is still in process, we’re defining the specific projects we want to start with before reaching out to the potential candidates. If you are interested in hearing more and want to be considered, please email me directly

    Can you tell us what the options/choices are for the specific projects?
    posted by The Pluto Gangsta at 11:18 AM on July 20, 2023 [2 favorites]

    Maybe I'm projecting here, but I feel like I'm in a conference room of people all sitting silently round the table, each with a printout of the BIPOC Board's minutes in front of them, all trying to catch each others' eyes, and waiting for someone, anyone, to ask… "What's the deal with the huge amount of detail? All the quotes, and back-and-forth, etc?"

    I'm trying not to say whether they're good or bad, but they're very unusual compared to most meeting minutes aren't they? I just wondered if it was a conscious decision to make them like this, and if so why?
    posted by fabius at 6:16 AM on July 21, 2023 [32 favorites]

    Can you tell us what the options/choices are for the specific projects?

    I can't speak for frimble but I know some of the things we've been talking through in the past, just looking at past discussions on MeTa, are

    - getting the flagging functionality to be more accessible (i.e. not a tiny target that is hard to hit on mobile)
    - consolidating some of the code into more modular formats so things can be changed in one place and not a zillion places for different themes (this was something from the code base frimble inherited and they've been working on it but another set of eyes would be great)
    - examining how the post and comment boxes work on mobile and looking for ways to improve
    - better ease of updating pages that have static content (BIPOC Board page as one example, banners, that sort of thing. frimble's done good work there but more needs doing)
    posted by jessamyn (staff) at 9:39 AM on July 21, 2023 [1 favorite]

    (Catches fabius' eye, gives slight eyebrow raise, small shrug, subtly fans out 19 page document)
    posted by donnagirl at 10:08 AM on July 21, 2023 [14 favorites]

    Given the discussions here over the years about the importance of transparency for the site, I think lengthy meeting minutes (whether the BIPOC Board, steering committee, etc.) are probably a good thing. 19 pages is not what I'm used to, either, but I am not surprised to see robust MetaNotes.
    posted by cupcakeninja at 6:53 PM on July 21, 2023 [4 favorites]

    fabius: yeah, I think that's a good question! I was travelling or otherwise unavailable during a lot of the period where my colleagues were polishing these minutes so I'll ask them to respond.

    My guess is that someone or some group of folks really wanted y'all to be able to get as much transparency as possible, not just about what decisions we've been making, but about the context too. And so in the balance between concision and detail they decided to go with more detail.


    As folks may have seen in this and previous BIPOC Board minutes, I am planning on leaving the board in several weeks so I can spend some time on some other stuff (specifically, there's a NYC public health initiative that I need to get launched by January first, plus, more hiking/outdoors activity which I have been failing to get enough of). My goal is to leave the board in September, and I hope to be replaced by then! We've done some outreach to a few MeFites who had mentioned interest in doing stuff like this, asking whether they might be open to spending a year on the Board. Here's the Google Form if you want to mention your interest!

    I like majick, hurdy gurdy girl, and aielen and I'll miss spending a little time every month talking with them.
    posted by brainwane at 8:22 PM on July 21, 2023 [7 favorites]

    (I said "spending a year on the Board" because I figure it's generally easier for people to commit to that than to say "sure, gimme an open-ended commitment." But there are currently no fixed terms for BIPOC Board participation and people can join for an indefinite period if they want!)

    OK, separately, regarding fundraising:
    We’ll kick off our regular Annual Fundraising for next month and the team is brainstorming ideas to start. If you have any suggestions or proposals for activities you would like to see during the fundraising month, let us know.
    We've had several in the past that are worth revisiting. I also draw our attention to this breakdown of the effectiveness of last year's fundraising methods, and comments a bit further down in that thread by tavegyl and adrianhon on merch, subscriptions, and effective strategies.

    I presume we will once more have a big banner reminding people on all our sites that we are fundraising! A few more ideas:

    Where Ask They Now (please improve this title): Mods reach out to the askers of well-loved Ask MetaFilter questions from the past decades and ask for new updates, then release a few at a time. The more money we raise, the more updates the mods release.

    A Literal Megathread: something involving fiber arts?

    Plates Of Beans: in-person outdoor meetups/cookouts that include pass-the-hat fundraising
    posted by brainwane at 8:47 PM on July 21, 2023 [6 favorites]

    Can there be a plain fundraising meter this round?

    Apologies to those passionate about their graphic design skills, but a crouton-free chart is likely to be more legible.
    posted by otsebyatina at 9:27 AM on July 22, 2023 [9 favorites]

    Given the discussions here over the years about the importance of transparency for the site...

    I agree that detailed minutes can be valuable, but it's not the BIPOC Board & their choices that have been critiqued for lack of transparency. (In fact, this level of detail seems to be compensating for a lack of transparency around site governance & administration otherwise.)

    I'm also concerned about scope creep here. Now that there's no longer a Steering Committee, I'm not sure if sticking the BIPOC Board with tasks that would previously have fallen under their remit is a great look. Just because a handful of the remaining marginalized members are willing to take on unpaid labor doesn't mean that it's ethical (or legal!) to ask or let them do so. On the other hand, it does seem like a good way to ensure transparency that the membership is otherwise unlikely to get from the site's paid employees.. (Which, to be fair, is partly because the staff are likely already at capacity. Perhaps the staff should consider hiring an administrator whose sole responsibility is taking minutes in weekly staff meetings and tracking decisions made and their outcomes. Not actively bproject managing, just keeping records in a similar way that the BIPOC Board seems to be moving toward.)
    posted by knucklebones at 12:23 PM on July 22, 2023 [9 favorites]

    After reading the BIPOC Board minutes posted today, I would like to second knucklebones's concerns about scope creep. I think they should be doing the good and necessary work they were founded to do (top of the page here) and not have to be asking month after month about operational issues such as writing job descriptions, hiring timelines, and management of the Slack plan.

    I am also dismayed that it is taking so long to fill the admin and tech positions that were partially (or fully, I forget now) funded by the 2022 fundraising drive when the 2023 drive is already in our sights.
    posted by kimberussell at 4:46 PM on July 26, 2023 [15 favorites]

    I have the impression that the scope creep is because they feel they can't do the work they were founded to do, because there's so many issues with operations, admin, and tech.
    posted by lapis at 9:48 AM on July 27, 2023 [9 favorites]

    Wow, harsh on the croutons. Eh, is okay though.

    I could maybe help with the fundraiser again this year, if possible? The Steering Committee is still on hold, but the fundraiser stuff we did last year was mostly extra things we just decided to do.

    At first I was a bit annoyed that the SC might be prevented from doing things as volunteers because of MeFi's legal status, but at least we're not doing it like Reddit, a company planning an actual IPO while outright relying on a horde of unpaid volunteer moderators.
    posted by JHarris at 1:29 PM on July 27, 2023 [3 favorites]

    The profile widget that shows a user's most recent twitter post doesn't actually work any more (all it ever says now is "Nothing to see here - yet. When they Tweet, their Tweets will show up here." for every account).

    Presumably not your fault, but twitter's. Would it make sense to remove it?
    posted by dng at 9:39 AM on July 28, 2023 [4 favorites]

    It would, thanks.
    posted by jessamyn (staff) at 8:25 AM on July 29, 2023 [3 favorites]

    I've noticed the Twitter "nothing to see here" glitch happening all over the internet lately. Also, the most recent update of the Twitter app for Android changed it's name to X, which I took as my excuse to bin it entirely.
    posted by JHarris at 10:08 AM on July 29, 2023 [1 favorite]

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