It's mozarella cheese on a lot of random things, y'all July 26, 2010 5:44 PM   Subscribe

Who in NYC wants to go drink some soju out of the hollowed out carcass of a watermelon?

I asked a while back if anybody might be interested in a Pocha 32 meetup. Unfortunately, that was in a thread for another meetup. I've been trying to find a lull in between meetups to slip this in, but there seems to be no real lull for NYC meet ups and I figured, fuck it, someone in this city's going to want to meet up at some point in K-Town.

So, I'm looking to see whose possibly interested. Mainly because if it's a bigger number I might have to go the reservation route, but if not, then it's just a matter of figure out a date time to meet.

Couple of things:

- I don't know how non-alcohol drinker friendly this place is beyond water. They might have soft drinks, I'll have to ask.

- Folks with any dietary restrictions and vegetarians might have a tough time. My apologies. It's just that, if you've eaten out in K-Town enough, you know sometimes menu-labeling can get a bit shady. I can play translator, but no guarantees.

- It's Korean pojang macha (think like, izakaya) style eating/drinking, so it's pretty communal, which means a shared tab. I know some people are weird about that.

However, having said all that if you want to drink a lot and eat some weird shit, this might be the thing for you. So who's with me? Huh?
posted by kkokkodalk to MetaFilter Gatherings at 5:44 PM (45 comments total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

Given that Chicago is currently battling to oust NYC as the city with the most meetups, I'm going to go ahead and answer for everyone. No one is interested in this meetup. Stay at home alone and cry and google real estate prices for Chicago.
posted by Juliet Banana at 7:10 PM on July 26, 2010 [3 favorites]

That's right by the PATH train, so, I imagine I could be there for whatever evening was chosen.
posted by oh yeah! at 7:14 PM on July 26, 2010

We're down! But we're out of town until August 8th.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:22 PM on July 26, 2010 [1 favorite]

posted by oinopaponton at 7:32 PM on July 26, 2010

Stay at home alone and cry and google real estate prices for Chicago.

I do this once a month when my love-hate relationship with NYC dips far into "hate." It's just not healthy for me anymore.

In regards to a K-town meetup, I am interested in your soju watermelon plans. I'm out of town in late August but otherwise fairly available.
posted by zoomorphic at 7:33 PM on July 26, 2010

Heck yes!
posted by Stynxno at 7:35 PM on July 26, 2010

I will go. Heck yes!
posted by hermitosis at 8:00 PM on July 26, 2010

I am maybe possibly interested. It depends on the date.
posted by The Whelk at 8:02 PM on July 26, 2010

Sure, this sounds great. I've only been to one meetup, and that was in Queens, and I feel like it's time for a second.
posted by greta simone at 8:11 PM on July 26, 2010

Given that Chicago

This is Metafilter; if you're not from New York, we don't care what you think. Buh-bye.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:13 PM on July 26, 2010 [1 favorite]

No one is interested in this meetup. Stay at home alone and cry and google real estate prices for Chicago.

I didn't realize it was a contest. In that case, I think we've already won as the city classy enough to not come into another city's meetup thread and threadshit on the first comment. Hiiiyoooooo!

Anyhow considering the next meetup is July 31, I have a feeling we should shoot for sometime August anyway. So no worries, Pink. How's the weekend of the 14th-15th looking for folks? I think it gets busier later in the evening than earlier, so maybe shoot for something in the 6-8 pm range. Week nights is also a possibility, but let's start off and see how the bidding goes for the weekend?
posted by kkokkodalk at 8:17 PM on July 26, 2010 [3 favorites]

Weekends in August are bad for me because I'm a very important playwright. Saturday the 21st would be just dandy, though.
posted by Help, I can't stop talking! at 8:30 PM on July 26, 2010

Some incentive (or discouragement, take your pick)

Mmmm, budae jigae....yuuummm....pork-stuffed, vagina-lookin' fatass mussel?
posted by kkokkodalk at 8:39 PM on July 26, 2010

I will stay here in Gwangyang and drink some sympathetic magic soju. Maybe mixed with a little maeshil and soda if I'm feeling frisky!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:40 PM on July 26, 2010

I want to drink a lot and eat weird shit, and am certain the former will help the latter.
posted by soma lkzx at 9:06 PM on July 26, 2010

Will there be a morning-after meetup for hangover soup to deal with the inevitable soju aftereffects? (Or perhaps a late-night jaunt to H-Mart to pick up some Condition or Morning Care or other Korean magic hangover elixirs?)

Sorry can't make it to NYC in August, and besides, I have sworn off soju fucking terrible hangovers worse than tequila mutter mutter mutter
posted by needled at 9:10 PM on July 26, 2010

A solid vote for the 14th-15th and tentative "maybe" for the 21st.
posted by zoomorphic at 9:14 PM on July 26, 2010

Big maybe for the weekend of the 14th. Sounds fun, but as usual decisions can only be made that week or so.
posted by gaspode at 9:29 PM on July 26, 2010

Yes pls
posted by grobstein at 9:49 PM on July 26, 2010

Weekends in August are bad for me because I'm a very important playwright. Saturday the 21st would be just dandy, though.

Okay, since he's so demure I'LL just go ahead and link to his play, which is an amzing original work and which we should all go to.
posted by hermitosis at 10:54 PM on July 26, 2010

Aw, c'mon guys, we really do love you. I met jonmc and everything.
posted by adamdschneider at 11:04 PM on July 26, 2010

This sounds very interesting.
posted by Splunge at 3:44 AM on July 27, 2010

like it is a rug and we are an 19th century servant who is really mad at someone and also avoiding other, smellier tasks

I was going to say like a Victorian gentleman beating a footpad with his gold-handled cane, but I think I like yours better.
posted by elizardbits at 4:14 AM on July 27, 2010

I'm in philadelphia, but I'll travel a pretty long way for some good kim chi jigae and soju.
posted by 256 at 6:11 AM on July 27, 2010

You know what I hate? I hate how Kang Suh only serves kimchi kongnamul bibimbop at lunch. That just makes me mad.

I have never had soju out of a watermelon, though. That sounds like fun.

Considering it's been eight years and I still haven't made it to a meetup, I'll just say, umm ... maybe? I really want to meet y'all, but I'm a fraidy-cat. And jonmc never remembers me when I see him at the bookstore.
posted by brina at 8:44 AM on July 27, 2010


What's in Chicago? I know it's a big city, but was a manufacturing hub or something? Anyways, I'm always down for a meetup.
posted by fuq at 10:07 AM on July 27, 2010

Ha, all right, guys. I think we all learned our lesson here on the importance of how first comments sets the tone/derails an otherwise innocuous thread. Chicago's just an innocent bystander in all of this.

Getting back to the planning of this meetup:

I hate to overshadow HICST's awesome play, but unfortunately my schedule gets too nebulous if I try to plan out too far in advance; it works like a JRPG map in that sense. I'm just trying to call dibs on a weekend in case another wall of NYC meetups decides to hit.

So let's gun for Aug. 14th, and meet at 6:30pm?

Like I said folks, let me know if this doesn't work. If we got an overwhelming majority that can't make it, it can be changed. Otherwise, if this proves to be successful, we can always plan another Pocha outing.

...Now how the hell do I set this for the sidebar?
posted by kkokkodalk at 10:24 AM on July 27, 2010

What's in Chicago? I know it's a big city, but was a manufacturing hub or something?
Trading hub, IIRC. It's about as deep into the continental USA as you can get using the Great Lakes, and then you could ship stuff by river or land from there. More recently, it's also well positioned for air and highway shipping.

The Korean food meetup sounds intriguing. The location looks close to Penn Station, which is good for out-of-towners...
posted by Karmakaze at 10:46 AM on July 27, 2010

Juliet Banana is some hipster attn whore (excuse me, attention worker) from L.A. I smell a rat. NYC and Chi got nothin but love for each other. Go foment discord elsewhere, hussy.
posted by Eideteker at 1:57 PM on July 27, 2010 [3 favorites]

No, sir, she is a bona fide Chicago MeFite for almost a year now. Comes to meetups on a more than regular basis. She just came in here, I suspect, to foment some good-natured rivalry, and met with some unexpected (though I'm sure lacking in real vitriol) blowback. We should start an exchange program, or at least establish embassies. We'll send you SpiffyRob, and you guys can give us The Whelk.
posted by adamdschneider at 2:06 PM on July 27, 2010

Your not the mod of me!
posted by The Whelk at 2:47 PM on July 27, 2010

True, but you'll have diplomoddic immunity. That has to be worth something.
posted by adamdschneider at 2:56 PM on July 27, 2010

Pshaw. You can't have The Whelk. Too valuable.
posted by functionequalsform at 3:16 PM on July 27, 2010

I drank some Watermelon flavored Joose on the way home (really), close enough?

Anyways, today at work Chris Burke (the guy who played corky on 'Life Goes On')* was in the store. He saw the t-shirt I was wearing (the one in the pic) and said "cool shirt, dude!"

So, I can honestly say that a TV star has complimented my fashion sense. Can You?

*He's in there a lot, he lives nearby. One time he ran over my foot with a wheelie cart.
posted by jonmc at 4:47 PM on July 27, 2010

All right, added to sidebar. Hope folks can make it.
posted by kkokkodalk at 5:05 PM on July 27, 2010

(the one in the pic)

Oh my god, so... the hat isn't part of your head? It comes off?!

...I don't know what's real anymore...
posted by fuq at 6:20 PM on July 27, 2010

"We'll send you SpiffyRob, and you guys can give us The Whelk."

SpiffyRob, you say? Deal!

(you owe me, Rob)
posted by Eideteker at 8:10 PM on July 27, 2010

SpiffyRob, you say? Deal!

I will only be transported in a large screaming crate ala Jurassic Park.

It's for your own good.
posted by The Whelk at 11:39 PM on July 27, 2010

Should it be IRL'd as well?
posted by Karmakaze at 5:52 AM on July 28, 2010

Also IRL'ed. The notification memails when I post a MeTa and IRL get me all giddy like someone likes me, they really like me, then I'm all sad because it's just the system letting me know I posted (no offense Matt).
posted by kkokkodalk at 7:08 AM on July 28, 2010

Please please have a 2nd one of these. I'm heading down to the Outer Banks that weekend. Have fun!
posted by spec80 at 5:23 AM on July 29, 2010

spec80: I've been tempted to call a Flushing meetup after this one to go to Korean BBQ buffet too, but I think asking for people to come out to Flushing might be a little ridiculous, but yes, Pocha is infinitely easier a meetup to call and has more repeat possibility.
posted by kkokkodalk at 9:08 AM on July 30, 2010

Alas... I will actually be in Toronto for this meetup. Also, will be in Chicago beforehand.

I'm sorry, NYC. I actually do love you.
posted by TrishaLynn at 9:04 AM on August 3, 2010

In Chicago, you say? Consider calling an auxiliary meetup!
posted by adamdschneider at 9:26 AM on August 3, 2010

Call it sometime, kkokkodalk. There are enough pedestrian low-stakes meetups posted that an adventure out to Flushing will strike some people as being a fine idea. Me included.
posted by hermitosis at 10:47 AM on August 5, 2010

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