The beauty of average? July 8, 2010 11:56 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a MeFi post from a few years ago about a tool/sociological experiment where you could select any number of portrait photos from a predetermined set of photos, and the tool would combine the features of these photos into one final result.

I remember the thread itself talking a lot about how it was interesting that many of the final results looked similar, and they all looked beautiful. The photos themselves were of average people. The final result looked a little bit like several photos overlapping one another at low opacity - there were often light traces of the source photos visible around the edges of the faces.

I tried searching for it, but I don't even know where to begin, and it doesn't seem to be in my favourites. Thanks, all!
posted by Phire to MetaFilter-Related at 11:56 PM (4 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Online Morphing or St Andrew Face Morpher?
posted by unliteral at 12:29 AM on July 9, 2010

Nope, but I found it myself. Apparently I did remember the title of the post correctly, but it didn't occur to me until after I wrote this MeTa and exhausted what I thought were my options for search keywords and tags to do a Google search for said phrase.

Sorry for the spam.
posted by Phire at 2:16 AM on July 9, 2010

Just a note - on the make a baby page, you can have two dads or two moms despite the "mother" and "father" captions.
posted by desjardins at 7:49 AM on July 9, 2010 [1 favorite]

Also don't make a baby with the two old people or you'll have nightmares.
posted by desjardins at 11:00 AM on July 9, 2010 [1 favorite]

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