AskMe Answer Generator July 18, 2008 10:28 AM   Subscribe

Before you post your next AskMe question, you might try checking out MetaChat's thread of suggested automated AskMe answers. From "Don't eat it" to "Try Craigslist" to "Check out these twenty-five identical previous AskMe questions on this topic" to "Learn how to communicate. Pouring your heart out to 60,000 random strangers on the internet ≠ effective communication with your partner", we've pretty much got every topic covered.
posted by orange swan to MetaFilter-Related at 10:28 AM (114 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

Nobody ever looks at anything before posting their next AskMe question.
posted by Wolfdog at 10:40 AM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Wouldn't this sort of thing be better suited for MetaChat?
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 10:46 AM on July 18, 2008 [2 favorites]

Don't shit where you eat.
posted by Plutor at 10:51 AM on July 18, 2008

Wouldn't this sort of thing be better suited for MetaChat?

We're talking about automated answers, not automated questions.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 10:54 AM on July 18, 2008

Linking to something about Metafilter that you wrote about Metafilter is pretty tacky.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 10:56 AM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Every topic except for all the topics and questions that require a real answer.
posted by mdevore at 10:58 AM on July 18, 2008

This feels like an infomercial. "We've got everything covered!" And if you call now we will double your order: Four big Sham-wows and EIGHT Sham-wow minis!
posted by kate blank at 10:59 AM on July 18, 2008

Magic MetaBall
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 11:00 AM on July 18, 2008

Or you could read the bottom of jessamyn's profile. It's actually helpful.
posted by Tehanu at 11:00 AM on July 18, 2008

Oh Metafilter so needs a faux infomercial. A fauxfomercial if you will.
posted by cashman at 11:01 AM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

And if Matt were the type to produce cheesy infomercial type products, he could make up a "AskMe Answer Generator" (I'm picturing something along the lines of a Magic 8 Ball, only green, bigger, and not a ball) and totally flog the shit out of it.
posted by orange swan at 11:02 AM on July 18, 2008

self link
posted by Stynxno at 11:08 AM on July 18, 2008

New Zealand
posted by octothorpe at 11:13 AM on July 18, 2008

new man
posted by grateful at 11:17 AM on July 18, 2008

MetaChat is kind of butt.

And it's a HAWT butt, baby!!
posted by JanetLand at 11:18 AM on July 18, 2008 [3 favorites]

posted by dirtdirt at 11:21 AM on July 18, 2008 [2 favorites]

I actually have an Ask Metafilter Question Generator (which I am not going to link to), which I use to come up with all the questions I post there. Some examples: Should I get my cat declawed? Should I get my newborn boy circumcised? YANMD, but what should I do about this rash? YANML, but how can I get my deposit back on my rental? Should I buy a Mac? Now that I've bought a Mac, how do I make it work? I saw my doctor about that rash, but this ointment is making me grow a tail. Is that normal? I got my deposit back on my rental, but now my roommate won't cover his share of the phone bill. What passive-aggressive tactic can I use to get him to pay? Where can I get my Soviet-made sewing machine serviced in Yellowknife? Who would win in a fight between the Darth Vader and Superman?
posted by adamrice at 11:22 AM on July 18, 2008 [3 favorites]

let us know if you write anything else you think is cute over at metachat.
posted by shmegegge at 11:33 AM on July 18, 2008 [9 favorites]

God, I hate the shamwow guy.

The part where he cleans up the cola "without applying any pressure", but clearly applying pressure while rolling the thing over the wet carpet, makes me want to cut a hole in his skull and suck up all of his cerebrospinal fluid with his precious German crap.
posted by CKmtl at 11:34 AM on July 18, 2008 [2 favorites]

You followin' me, CKmtl-guy?
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 11:44 AM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Darth Vader
posted by adamvasco at 11:47 AM on July 18, 2008

You're crossing the streams, here; don't do that.
posted by cmonkey at 11:54 AM on July 18, 2008 [3 favorites]

At the risk of being seen as a pill, it's a lot easier to keep MeCha and MeFi separate when this sort of thing isn't cross-pollinated.

I sort of like the list of answers, but it's a fine line between sort of "hey we do sort of answer the same questions over and over" and "people ask the stupidest qustions and this is what I'd like to tell them when they ask their stupid stupid questions" As someone who feels like sometimes I should be working at Romper Room instead of on the Internet, I really believe that there aren't any stupid questions, but I think it's hard enough to ask a question sometimes without feeling like you've been pre-snarked.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 12:02 PM on July 18, 2008 [3 favorites]

When I see "MeCha" I read "Mecha," and then I remember how awesome Robotech was when I was 11 years old.
posted by bardic at 12:06 PM on July 18, 2008 [7 favorites]

I really believe that there aren't any stupid questions

posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 12:13 PM on July 18, 2008 [2 favorites]

Why strive to keep the two sites separate? Metachat has always been the effluent of Metafilter. They're made up of the same people... or has it finally evolved a culture and audience apart from here?
posted by Dave Faris at 12:18 PM on July 18, 2008

I've lost 24 pounds and three dress sizes just hip-hop dancing to MeFi Music! And I'm a healthy mother of 7!
posted by fijiwriter at 12:19 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

You really shouldn't have posted this here AND there. Really. Just, no.
posted by mudpuppie at 12:24 PM on July 18, 2008

This post sucks, but it's better than a link to Wikipedia and an animated .GIF.

Just marginally better, though.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 12:26 PM on July 18, 2008

They're made up of the same people...

There's overlap between MeFi's membership and a few IRC channels too, but that doesn't mean posting their logs to MeTa is a good idea either.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 12:29 PM on July 18, 2008

I'm offended by that animated gif.
posted by Skorgu at 12:29 PM on July 18, 2008

Why strive to keep the two sites separate?

Because they're....two different sites?
posted by jmd82 at 12:29 PM on July 18, 2008

But hey, since you DID post it to Metatalk, I'll go ahead and say that this comes off as "Hai Guys! I did something cute and cleverer! Look at meeeeee!!!!"

See, in Metachat, I'd never say that. But forget it, Jake, it's Metatalk.

If you need attention this badly, get a puppy.
posted by mudpuppie at 12:29 PM on July 18, 2008 [3 favorites]

... a mudpuppie?!?
*Eyes light up expectantly*
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 12:30 PM on July 18, 2008 [2 favorites]

I agree with mudpuppie, jessamyn, cmonkey and whoever else said something along those lines.
posted by box at 12:31 PM on July 18, 2008

(Uh, I wrote that comment before mudpuppie's more recent remark. I agree with 'Really. Just, no.' I'll keep my opinion of 'Look at meeeeeee!!!' to myself.)
posted by box at 12:32 PM on July 18, 2008

When I see "MeCha" I read "Mecha," and then I remember how awesome Robotech was when I was 11 years old.

Hey! I do this too!
posted by Fuzzy Monster at 12:34 PM on July 18, 2008

Why strive to keep the two sites separate? Metachat has always been the effluent of Metafilter. They're made up of the same people... or has it finally evolved a culture and audience apart from here?

Mainly because the people who run Metachat want to keep Metafilter discussions off Metachat. Perhaps it is respectful to maintain the same courtesy in the other direction?
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 12:35 PM on July 18, 2008

I think it's hard enough to ask a question sometimes without feeling like you've been pre-snarked

When pre-snark and post-snark meet, they annihilate, releasing an enormous burst of snark-free energy.
posted by lukemeister at 12:38 PM on July 18, 2008

cmonkey ftw. Does this truly need to be here?
posted by mygothlaundry at 12:39 PM on July 18, 2008

Stitch up that portal you just opened between MeTa and MeCha fast or there's gonna be a bunnyfucking bloodbath.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 12:46 PM on July 18, 2008

Mainly because the people who run Metachat want to keep Metafilter discussions off Metachat.

Ah. Did not know that. In that case, you're right then.
posted by Dave Faris at 12:53 PM on July 18, 2008

Yeah, I'm pretty regular here and I never go there

I have the same problem with Denny's.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 12:53 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

I disagree with mudpuppie, jessamyn, cmonkey, et al. But then, I have been personally called out for putting MetaFilter in their MetaChat.

I'm glad this bit of silliness has been cross-posted here for one reason. On MetaChat, you can't 'favorite' anything.
posted by wendell at 12:55 PM on July 18, 2008

- Pandora is your friend for finding similar music.

It only it were truueee.... *sobs politely in the corner*
posted by Mitheral at 12:55 PM on July 18, 2008

Yeah, I'm pretty regular here and I never go there,

Could we PLEASE keep toilet habits out of this discussion?
posted by wendell at 12:57 PM on July 18, 2008

Hey guys, I put together something that will help you not be frustrated with AskMe questions you see as overdone, obvious, or irritating. It's right here.
posted by Fuzzy Skinner at 1:02 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Thousands of people are using AskMe to reach out for love and acceptance and you mock them. I suppose you have removed all the mirrors from your house because you can't bear the thought of seeing the reflection of a cold-hearted human staring back at you. The internet offers the chance for people to connect but you have used it to deride and debase. May you one day have a problem with a [spouse/lover/wart/pet/recipe/parent/addiction/computer/film] so that we can provide you with caring answers to get you through your problem.

Or get a real hobby.
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 1:11 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Is it wrong to put both hard-boiled egg AND diced green apple in tuna salad?

It may be wrong, but it sure is tasty.
posted by BitterOldPunk at 1:12 PM on July 18, 2008

Pandora is your friend for finding similar music.

It only it were truueee.... *sobs politely in the corner*

Yeah, communicating with Pandora is an art form unto itself.

Bunnies, bunnies, it must be BUNNIES!

I have a new evil mastermind now.
posted by Tehanu at 1:21 PM on July 18, 2008

but I think it's hard enough to ask a question sometimes without feeling like you've been pre-snarked.

This rings so true to me.

Hmmm, "pre-snarked." I kind of like the sound of that. Too bad there isn't some way nervous potential Askers could refine their question by running it (anonymously, if desired) through a private gauntlet of dedicated volunteer snarkers before exposing themselves to the possibility of humiliation in front of the entire population.
posted by jamjam at 1:22 PM on July 18, 2008

Thousands of people are using AskMe to reach out for love and acceptance

Then they're using it wrong.
posted by drezdn at 1:32 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

Oddly enough, on Mecha it's ok to reach out for love and acceptance though.
posted by drezdn at 1:33 PM on July 18, 2008

"Too bad there isn't some way nervous potential Askers could refine their question by running it (anonymously, if desired) through a private gauntlet of dedicated volunteer snarkers..." posted by jamjam
That is what families are for.
posted by Cranberry at 1:35 PM on July 18, 2008

That thread is awesome.
posted by caddis at 1:44 PM on July 18, 2008

Bunnies, bunnies, it must be BUNNIES!

konolia, you totally read my mind.
posted by rtha at 1:47 PM on July 18, 2008

I suppose you have removed all the mirrors from your house because you can't bear the thought of seeing the reflection of a cold-hearted human staring back at you.

No, it's because the Company sees me that way, through the mirrors. I had to take them down, I couldn't have Matt and Jess and Cortex knowing about my Special Purpose.
posted by everichon at 1:51 PM on July 18, 2008

Mainly because the people who run Metachat want to keep Metafilter discussions off Metachat

Clearly not, as the linked to thread on Metchat is still there.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 1:56 PM on July 18, 2008

Not only is it pushing it to link a MetaChat thread (of your own, no less) here, we've done the "snarky/cliche answers to inevitable AskMe questions" thing right here at home, though I'm not going to bother finding links. It's hot, and I'm surly.
posted by languagehat at 2:04 PM on July 18, 2008

Clearly not, as the linked to thread on Metchat is still there.

Oh, I know. I'm not suggesting the "policy", as such, is consistent. As always, these things depend on who's involved.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 2:07 PM on July 18, 2008

Metachat is pretty awesome. I'm quite glad it's been linked here, because whenever it happens we get new bunnies, which is great!
posted by By The Grace of God at 2:15 PM on July 18, 2008

Mainly because the people who run Metachat want to keep Metafilter discussions off Metachat...

Not exactly. The policy, as written in Metachat's FAQ:
Posts about or links to Metafilter are usually fine unless:

* You want to bring some drama to our attention.
* You want us to laugh at someone you think is an idiot.
* You feel you've been on the receiving end of some injustice either from Matt or Jess or another user. MetaFilter issues belong on Metatalk, and will be deleted here.
* "Wouldn't it be cool if we all went to Mefi and did X?" No. No it wouldn't.
The link to this thread in that thread seems okay, because it doesn't violate any of the above rules. It sort of even fits into the whole stock AskMe answer thing, since the entire text of it is "MeTa."

The cross-posted "Hey I made a funny and over there about something here and don't you want to read it??" doesn't really fit into any written guideline, here or there, that I know of. That doesn't make it any less icky, for a variety of reasons.
posted by mudpuppie at 2:16 PM on July 18, 2008

The policy, as written in Metachat's FAQ

That policy has been changed, then. Some issues were fair game not too long ago. I don't particularly care, either way, but I do agree that it would be good for Metachat stuff to stay there.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 2:20 PM on July 18, 2008

Okay wait, this just got even ickier.

What Not Tot Post to AskMe II
April 1, 2007 4:42 PM
In honour of the 1st, we're revisiting the "deliberately flameworthy hypothetical AskMe question thread" over at MetaChat. Feel free to join in with fake questions or answers.
posted by orange swan to MetaFilter-related at 4:42 PM
posted by mudpuppie at 2:20 PM on July 18, 2008

Some issues were fair game not too long ago.

I can't say for sure, but I think the policy evolved as issues became apparent. That's my recollection, anyway.
posted by mudpuppie at 2:21 PM on July 18, 2008

posted by loquacious at 2:22 PM on July 18, 2008

I just remembered Jessamyn was in my dream last night! She was trying to figure out whether or not to buy this house, and I was walking around it with her. I showed her the special stained glass windows, and she was happy. Honestly.

The house was cool though-- it had its own built-in deli, and a creek running past the kids bedrooms, and stuff.
posted by jokeefe at 2:24 PM on July 18, 2008

Wow, I always have dreams with creeks running through my houses. No, seriously.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 2:27 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

When I was a kid I had friends who were identical twins who actually did have a stream running through their living room. No lie. This was the 70s and their parents were both wealthy and awesome. Also, one time? They each got me the identical thing for my birthday without even consulting each other.
posted by mygothlaundry at 2:33 PM on July 18, 2008

are there crawdads in the creeks because i think reaching for the remote, putting it in teh creek on accident, and finding a crawdad might be lulz worthy.
posted by Stynxno at 2:35 PM on July 18, 2008

Wow, I always have dreams with creeks running through my houses. No, seriously.

I'm suddenly experiencing severe Deja Vu. Did we chat about this or did you write about this at some point in MeTa or IRC or something? Something about a creek running through a basement in a house.
posted by loquacious at 2:35 PM on July 18, 2008

MetaTalk: bunnyfucking bloodbath
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 2:40 PM on July 18, 2008

Remember Roy Scheider's living room in '2010'? It had a pool that connected to the ocean, and dolphins. That was almost as good as house with a creek in it.
posted by everichon at 2:43 PM on July 18, 2008

I used to live up the street from a house in Santa Cruz that had a creek running underneath it. That was lovely. I'd love to go down under the house (it was on stilts) to read in the shade, dangle a toesie. Aah.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 2:50 PM on July 18, 2008


just kidding, really.
posted by fourcheesemac at 2:54 PM on July 18, 2008

Is it wrong to put both hard-boiled egg AND diced green apple in tuna salad?

! ::writes that down::
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 2:54 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

I knew a family with a creek running through their house, too. They were super rich. There was also an enormous statue of David that peed into the creek.
posted by amro at 3:02 PM on July 18, 2008

It must be bunnies. It's always bunnies.

Dust bunnies.
Fuzzy bunnies.
Honey bunnies.
Easter bunnies.
Bugs bunnies.
Funny bunnies.
Snuggle bunnies.
Playboy bunnies.
Sunny bunnies.
Killer bunnies.
and Bun E. Carlos.
posted by wendell at 3:17 PM on July 18, 2008

Forgot the cunny bunnies.
posted by Ambrosia Voyeur at 3:22 PM on July 18, 2008

I hope that you didn't intend that to seem mean spirited, but you should know that it reads as mean spirited. If you really feel like you're "answering basically the same few questions again and again", maybe you could just keep your pat answers out of those threads and leave some air for someone else who might have a different insight. And I don't intend that to seem mean spirited.
posted by ersatzkat at 3:33 PM on July 18, 2008

Wow, I always have dreams with creeks running through my houses. No, seriously.

I once had a dream where a full sized railway went through my basement. This is cooler as a dream though less cool as real life.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 3:34 PM on July 18, 2008

What an amazingly, utterly crap MeTa!
posted by paulsc at 3:38 PM on July 18, 2008

Remember, it's not answers people are looking for when they post a question. For example, when I ask, "What was that movie from the late seventies about some battle between good and evil in a galaxy somewhere?", I'm not looking for a pat answer. I probably already know the answer. I want verification that I am a human being who fits in somewhere. I want you to hold my hand and tell me the world is an all right place. I want you to fill Ask Metafilter with love.
posted by strangeleftydoublethink at 3:46 PM on July 18, 2008

What on earth is "New Zealand" an answer to?!??
posted by UbuRoivas at 3:57 PM on July 18, 2008

What on earth is "New Zealand" an answer to?!??

Where are you from that you're looking like you're going to sock me in the nose when I asked "Where in Australia are you from...?"
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 4:07 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

This is bad, and you should feel bad.
posted by Krrrlson at 4:13 PM on July 18, 2008

If you really feel like you're "answering basically the same few questions again and again", maybe you could just keep your pat answers out of those threads and leave some air for someone else who might have a different insight. And I don't intend that to seem mean spirited.

You don't seem mean-spirited, but you do seem a little, er, pat. I think you advised me to keep my "pat" answers out of AskMe thread without looking at my answering history to see what kind of questions I do write. I try to put care and thought into almost all of the answers I write. I try to make sure I'm not simply echoing others who have answered previously, and that I have something original and worthwhile to offer. (Not saying my every answer qualifies as same, and I know I'm not a stellar poster, just average, but I do generally aim high.) And if I really resented answering threads or thought the question was a stupid waste of time, of course I wouldn't reply. I'm quite happy to contribute my bit to a compendium of insight and knowledge like AskMe, and I know I've learned more on the green than I can ever possibly repay in kind.

The MetaChat "fake answer" thread, like the two previous "fake question threads" we've done on MetaChat (and that I've also cross-posted here), was simply a way to have some fun parodying the excesses and pitfalls of AskMe, and I linked to it here with the idea that the goofiness stays in MetaChat and that people can join up there to post some of their own fake answers if they want.

And no, Krrrlson, I don't feel bad. I thought lots of people would enjoy the fake answer thread. Not very many of you seemed to. My reaction to the reception of this thread is more along the lines of, oh well, to each his or her own. Maybe someone will post a thread about some silly infighting soon and then you can all enjoy yourselves in that. Not that I would necessarily avoid such a thread myself.
posted by orange swan at 4:51 PM on July 18, 2008 [1 favorite]

The only people I know who had a creek running through their house were poor hippies. And it was fucken awesome.
posted by goo at 4:55 PM on July 18, 2008

The only people I know who had a creek running through their house were poor hippies.

Because they lived in tents/vans in the woods? When I lived weekends in a tent in the woods there was a creek.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 5:32 PM on July 18, 2008

orange swan - you are correct - I did not view your posting history, and I apologize if it seemed like I was calling *your* answers pat. I was referring to your premise that the same questions get asked over and over again and "hey, here's a list of kind of dismissive and bitchy answers you might find useful". I honestly do understand that some people find the whole thing funny - I don't, and I agree with the earlier comments that it seems kind of off to imply that there are so many stupid questions and maybe anticipatory snark (cool band name) isn't the vibe to reach for here. Again, I wasn't referring to your own posting history - I really regret that I put it out there in an ambiguous fashion. Also not sure if I spelled ambiguous right.
posted by ersatzkat at 6:32 PM on July 18, 2008

I knew a family with a creek running through their house, too. They were super rich. There was also an enormous statue of David that peed into the creek.

If they were really rich they wouldn't have had to use a statue.
posted by spiderwire at 6:57 PM on July 18, 2008

Tehanu, could you tell me where you found a profile of Jessamyn's bottom? Was it on MetaChat?
posted by Crabby Appleton at 6:58 PM on July 18, 2008

Uh, nevermind, I think I read that wrong.
posted by Crabby Appleton at 7:02 PM on July 18, 2008

I once had a dream where a full sized railway went through my basement.

I once had an apartment where a full sized railway ran 50 feet from my back window. But I grew up in an L.A. suburb four houses away from a major freeway and was used to transportation noise (and the trains never blew their whistles as they passed the residential areas unless somebody was on the tracks). And it was a good apartment that was so cheap because of its bad location! But a stream? I already wake up at least once a night to pee; a moving water feature within earshot would probably worsen that condition.
posted by wendell at 7:37 PM on July 18, 2008

Tehanu, could you tell me where you found a profile of Jessamyn's bottom? Was it on MetaChat?

One may read this in two ways, though I wouldn't suspect Jessamyn to be into one of them.
posted by TheOnlyCoolTim at 7:43 PM on July 18, 2008

Man some of you people are uptight. God forbid anyone should poke a little fun at your precious AskMe, right? How awful is it that someone not only poked a little fun at it, but had the temerity to post it to MeTa, right? Get over yourselves, for fuck's sake!
posted by dg at 9:28 PM on July 18, 2008

Yeah, that comment (mine) was a little extreme. Sorry, I'm a bit grumpy today (even more than usual, I mean).
posted by dg at 9:40 PM on July 18, 2008

If by creepy you mean very, very funny, then I agree, Burhanistan.

Man some of you people are uptight.

God forbid anyone should poke a little fun at your precious AskMe, right?
I hardly ever go to AskMe. Heavens forfend folks not believe the sun, moon, and stars shine out of MeCha's backside.

How awful is it that someone not only poked a little fun at it, but had the temerity to post it to MeTa, right?
My first comment was inspired by a few times when the mods and others would suggest that some usually unfunny injoke-type material would be a better fit for MeCha. As I recall, folks got het up over it and argued that MeCha was a community unto itself, independent of MetaFilter and not some sump hole for the Blue's brackish overflow. That works both ways, though.

Get over yourselves, for fuck's sake!
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 9:52 PM on July 18, 2008

On non-preview: Aw, raspberries.
posted by Alvy Ampersand at 9:53 PM on July 18, 2008

ruh-roh. I just saw this.

I think it's better not to do the cross-posty thingy, since metachat is meant to be a place for mefites to post and discuss stuff that doesn't belong on metafilter proper - just chatting, basically. If it's metafilter related, and you want the broader membership of mefi (or the metatalk contingent anyway) to see it, it should be posted here. If it doesn't belong here, and isn't a mean-spirited, complainy thing it can usually be posted there... but yeah - in almost every every case, the streams shouldn't meet.
posted by taz at 10:44 PM on July 18, 2008

every every. Did I mention? Every?
posted by taz at 10:44 PM on July 18, 2008

I once had a dream that I lived in a house with a creek running through the middle of it except there were monsters outside and they crawled into my house via the creek. Fucking creeks :-(
posted by cmonkey at 8:00 AM on July 19, 2008

I often dream that there are critiques in my house. This is usually a consequence of a kimchee binge.
posted by everichon at 8:14 AM on July 19, 2008

Wow, I always have dreams with creeks running through my houses. No, seriously.

It creaks in the wind. It's attached to the house and it makes the house creak I am a little afraid of it and totally in love with it at the same time.

In my experience the dreaming mind absolutely loves visual puns of this kind.

I'd say you do live in a house with a creak running through it, Jessamyn.
posted by jamjam at 1:45 PM on July 19, 2008

that's not actually where I'm living now jamjam.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 1:51 PM on July 19, 2008

It sounded like a wonderful place. I found myself thinking about it a number of times after you made that post.
posted by jamjam at 2:29 PM on July 19, 2008

The Death Star would be great with a creek in it, to ad a little warmth.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 2:45 PM on July 19, 2008

It is (informally) for sale. Cheap.
posted by jessamyn (staff) at 3:02 PM on July 19, 2008

My brother has a creek running through his house, but it's in Pennsylvania, so it's a crick.
posted by StickyCarpet at 5:27 PM on July 20, 2008

Wow, I always have dreams with creeks running through my houses. No, seriously.

Your dreams are haunted by a Frank Lloyd Wight.
posted by cortex (staff) at 10:25 AM on July 21, 2008 [1 favorite]

The streams shouldn't meet. Especially if they're running through your house.
posted by wendell at 8:20 PM on July 22, 2008

wendell: "The streams shouldn't meet. Especially if they're running through your house."

Or at a urinal.
posted by dg at 5:23 PM on August 3, 2008

Unless you like that sort of thing.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 8:21 PM on August 3, 2008

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