Podcast call-in September 6, 2007 6:51 PM   Subscribe

We're podcasting tomorrow and would love to get some questions beforehand. As always, call Call +1 (503) 487-0014 and leave a message. We'll play back the good ones on the show and answer them.
posted by mathowie (staff) to MetaFilter-Related at 6:51 PM (31 comments total)

posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:21 PM on September 6, 2007 [1 favorite]

I can't hear you!
posted by AwkwardPause at 7:23 PM on September 6, 2007 [1 favorite]

With a username like AwkwardPause, how can you not call up?
posted by smackfu at 7:26 PM on September 6, 2007

by de fokking
posted by jonmc at 7:50 PM on September 6, 2007

Will the podcast feature just Matt and Jess or will the irrepressible Cortex be answering questions too?
posted by wendell at 7:58 PM on September 6, 2007

jonmc, you shouldn't be answering questions about de fokking unless you have some visual aids... (oddly, SFW)
posted by wendell at 8:05 PM on September 6, 2007

If you have questions for me I will also answer them in an amusing fashion. The difference being that you won't be able to hear me do it. Unless you've got really good hearing.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:54 PM on September 6, 2007

I'm too shy about my radio voice to call, but I do have a question! Maybe you'd consider addressing it, even though I'm not calling? Here it is:

I've asked a number of anonymous askme questions in my, oh, year here, and I've been wondering what it's like for you two to have such intimate information about your online acquaintances. Is it awkward corresponding with people after you learn about their secret fetishes, romantic woes, drug problems, etc? Are there particular ethical questions you consider about these anonymous questions (I'm thinking of how certain people, teachers etc, are legally obligated to report when someone in their care is contemplating harming someone else or themselves)? I'm betting that neither of you would have foreseen this particular responsibility when you each started working on this project. Comments?

posted by serazin at 9:08 PM on September 6, 2007 [4 favorites]

I'm still wondering what time it is.
posted by dobbs at 9:30 PM on September 6, 2007

I'm too shy about my radio voice to call...

serazin: Perhaps you should consider hiring a voiceover artist to phone your question in for you! Or read this guy's book, get your voice chops together and phone it in yourself!

posted by flapjax at midnite at 9:35 PM on September 6, 2007

Serazin, I just called and asked almost the same thing.
posted by k8t at 9:36 PM on September 6, 2007

What are you wearing?
posted by Poolio at 9:45 PM on September 6, 2007

flapjax - I am SOOOO getting that book. I'm serious. Really.
posted by serazin at 10:03 PM on September 6, 2007

and k8t, great minds and all that, right?
posted by serazin at 10:05 PM on September 6, 2007

"Hi, this is dersins from metafilter, and I actual;y have two questions. 1. Why is a mouse when it spins? [NOT NOT DADAIST] 2. Why is jonson so awesome? Perhaps you can interview him and ask him? [NOT SUCKUPIST]

just posting this here so that Matt and Jessamyn don't suspect jonson of leaving that message....
posted by dersins at 10:07 PM on September 6, 2007

Why is the sky blue?
Why is water wet?
Why did Judas rat to the Romans while Jesus slept?
posted by iamabot at 10:25 PM on September 6, 2007

I can't come up with anything passable, I'm sorry.
posted by iamabot at 10:26 PM on September 6, 2007

Where are my fucking keys?
posted by trondant at 10:38 PM on September 6, 2007 [1 favorite]

What does it mean to live a good life?
posted by Meatbomb at 11:55 PM on September 6, 2007

What does it mean to live a good life?

Easy one: to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

That's one less that M&J will need to tackle.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 12:02 AM on September 7, 2007 [3 favorites]

You've got to start posting these things before we east-coasters go to bed.
posted by Eideteker at 3:52 AM on September 7, 2007

casting pods. is that like golf, or something?
posted by quonsar at 3:57 AM on September 7, 2007

Apparently the voicemail limits messages to about two minutes. I guess that's okay, considering that the admins will probably only listen to the first few seconds of the oversize one I just left… looks around sheepishly… calls again to apologize…
posted by blasdelf at 4:06 AM on September 7, 2007

Yeah, what is The Pink Superhero thinking?
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 4:22 AM on September 7, 2007

If you could read my mind.
posted by phoque at 5:22 AM on September 7, 2007

Up to the slip comes a pirate ship
To take us for a ride
And the pony mans the captain
And the children are the crew
And we go in search of treasure
And laugh the whole night through.
posted by phoque at 5:31 AM on September 7, 2007

I tried to think of a question, but again, I could not think of one. Which clearly means I already know everything.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 8:50 AM on September 7, 2007 [1 favorite]

Fred wants to know where he can get a good used car.
posted by misha at 10:50 AM on September 7, 2007 [1 favorite]

I can has favorite?
posted by tehloki at 3:20 PM on September 7, 2007 [1 favorite]

Apparently the voicemail limits messages to about two minutes.

I wish they'd limit it to one minute. People, ask a question, don't make a fucking speech. And we all know you love Matt and Jess and the site, so you can skip that part.

posted by languagehat at 8:39 AM on September 8, 2007

What happened to "we're podcasting tomorrow", guys? It's been days and days.
posted by tehloki at 1:16 PM on September 10, 2007

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