Sorting Favorites? August 28, 2006 9:26 AM   Subscribe

Sort options for Favorites?
posted by timeistight to Feature Requests at 9:26 AM (9 comments total)

My Favorites are currently sorted by when I "favorited" them. I'd like to have the option to sort them by "recent comments,"
"most comments" or "date of post or question" à la the front page.
posted by timeistight at 9:26 AM on August 28, 2006

Good idea. I have never understood the tendency to sort anything by when it was added to the list as a default.
posted by dg at 3:06 PM on August 28, 2006

I have never understood the tendency to sort anything by when it was added to the list as a default.

Bookmarks on your browser work this way, with the oldest first. Delicious does it newest first. My favorites at flickr show my newest first.

Is there another default sort you've seen on the web dg? All the ones I see order stuff by when you marked it off.
posted by mathowie (staff) at 3:47 PM on August 28, 2006

I have no arguement with the default. It would be nice to have a choice, though.
posted by timeistight at 5:05 PM on August 28, 2006

Is there another default sort you've seen on the web dg
No, they generally order things by when they were added (Google bookmarks does it newest first by default as well) but that doesn't mean it makes sense. It is entirely possible that it is just me, but it seems that things should be grouped by how you would use them. If everyone but me remembers bookmarks based on when they marked them, I'll slink away now. However, I think that people group items mentally by function, or something closely related to function. In the case of MeFi, I imagine the most common mental grouping would be by site section, then tags.

The ability to sort them according to our own needs is an ideal, because there is no doubt that we all think differently. I doubt, though, that many people think of a list they have created in the order it was created, except that the format of the list itself forces them to think of it that way. Once the list gets to be longer than a screen-full and you can't see it all at once, this becomes less than ideal and things that are below the fold tend to be forgotten unless there is something else to remind you of them, which is why tags have become so popular all over the Web.

This is not really what timeistight was asking for, however.
posted by dg at 5:59 PM on August 28, 2006

No, but sorting by tags or section woululd also be cool.
posted by timeistight at 6:27 PM on August 28, 2006

Bookmarks on your browser work this way, with the oldest first.

In Firefox you can choose amongst a variety of different ordering options within a folder of bookmarks. My default sort order is 'Sorted By Last Visited', for example. You can do the same thing in IE if you drill down to the actual shortcuts sitting in folders on the filesystem and set the sort order there. I assume other browsers have the same kinds of capabilities...

(I've asked (with the qualification that I understand it might be db-expensive) for what timeistight is requesting a number of times, as have others.)

Regardless, I assume that mathowie has some organizing tools in mind for the future. My two bits: I'd rather see the new subsites bedded down and a more site-wide organization tools, tool integration, leveraging of the power of tagging and favoriting, and tightening up of stuff like this than anything else.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 1:42 AM on August 29, 2006

The default sort on and flickr is acceptable because there's a more efficient way to browse (e.g. tags); there's no more efficient way to browse favorites, the default sort is the only way.
posted by youarenothere at 9:52 AM on August 29, 2006

No, you're wrong. My way is more efficient. So there.
posted by timeistight at 10:54 AM on August 29, 2006

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