Posts in the Etiquette/Policy Category.
Displaying 421 through 430 (of 4717)

August 15, 2013

Posting articles from well-known sources

I have seen a number of posts on articles from very well-known sources that everybody reads, like The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and The Huffington Post. They're interesting articles, but I wonder if they belong on MeFi when they're already so widely available? [more inside]

We're not facebook, right?

Is this post really the best of the web? [more inside]

August 13, 2013

But what has your mother done for you lately?

Jesus, MeFi, you were doing so well, and then… this. [more inside]

AskMe: Apologies before a question

When do you apologize before posting an AskMe? Most recently in this post about a Latin phrase, which the OP thought might be "obnoxious", I felt it was fine. This isn't about posting guidelines (which I think I understand by now...) but about the community's perception of what kinds of questions are, well, obnoxious. [more inside]

August 9, 2013

Grammar Corrections are Douchey, Right?

like when someone posts: "To be honest, the income difference doesn't phase us....." I wouldn't respond with "faze", right? Even if *I* like to be corrected?

August 3, 2013

Mobile only content

So this seems potentially problematic: Sorry, but the media gallery you are trying to load is not compatible with your device. Apple iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) or Android OS are required - how do we feel about that?

July 30, 2013

Armchair diapering.

This discussion thread is disgusting, and it's not just the poop. The practicalities of working-class poverty are subtle and insidious. Poor people generally don't do things because they're systematically stupid. Seeing otherwise reasonable users lead with a cavalier attitude of "why don't they just…" is absolutely heartbreaking. Sometimes it really feels like we haven't evolved very far from the NYT online comments section after all.

July 28, 2013

Look you don't have to give me money but I just wanted, oh, nevermind...

What's the deal with Projects and crowdfunding? [more inside]

July 26, 2013

You feel tough! You must be leading a healthy life-style.

So, how about Mefi Nethack? [more inside]

July 23, 2013

I guess it's ok to NOT answer the question now?

So, in this thread about what to ask an ex- in a post-break-up meeting the vast majority of the answers are about how this is a bad idea, and don't actually answer the question that was posted. [more inside]

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