Posts in the MetaFilter Gatherings Category.
Displaying 271 through 280 (of 2235)

February 10, 2010

Modern Warfare 2 on PS3?

Is there a Mefi Modern Warfare 2 gang playing on PS3? I just started playing multiplayer, and I'm sick of getting my ass kicked by 4 year olds with lightning thumbs.

February 9, 2010


Amsterdam Meetup! I'll be in Amsterdam the weekend of March 6-7. Let's have a beer. [more inside]

February 8, 2010

Scenes from an Austin Meetup

A series of tiny interviews with attendees of the latest Austin MetaFilter Meetup. Hear the voices of divabat, immlass and spikedmajorhairydick, among several others! Thrill to stories of secret initiations and mysterious orangutans! Find out what MetaFilter has done for us lately! Listen for your humble reporter growing progressively more intoxicated as the interviews go on! It's 25 minutes of completely idle chitchat, friends -- CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS OUT?!? [more inside]

February 5, 2010

Maybe we can the mods to grade the final

Is anyone interested in working through a free class on American Literature since 1945 book club style? [more inside]

They haven't turned the beer off yet, have they?

According to the map, it doesn't seem like there has ever been a meetup in Colorado Springs. Anybody up for one this weekend? [more inside]

Calling all London, York, and Cardiff MeFites!

Hello London, York, and Cardiff MeFites...I want to meet you! [more inside]

February 4, 2010

Pax East, Boston Meetup

I know that about 90% of the target constituency is already covered in the thread over on mefightclub, but I figured I'd ask back here as well - any more MeFites planning to head to Penny Arcade's Pax East in Boston, MA, 26th-28th March? [more inside]

February 3, 2010

Bay Area Meet-up.

SF Meetup - February Edition. [more inside]

February 2, 2010


Anyone going to be at Shmoocon in Washington DC this weekend? [more inside]


Philly-area spawn-friendly meetup! [more inside]

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