Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 611 through 620 (of 2303)

May 25, 2007

More white space!

There's something odd about the MetaFilter home page. A huge blank space next to the sidebar, between the date and the first post.

May 24, 2007

Always. ALWAYS Filter.

Matt, I have waited several hours for you to fix it, but the song parody you linked to in the Blue Sidebar is titled "Thou Shalt Always Filter", not "Thou Shalt Not Filter". And it is totally awesome... When I say “end” thou shalt not say “well”. When I say “Wen” thou shalt not say “dell”.

May 23, 2007

Please improve the coherence, for the kids

There's a little clickable tab thingy labelled 'My Comments', as well as a 'My Comments' clickable link in the list-of-things-to-do near the top on the front page. Clicking each identically named thing leads to markedly different pages, one of which is useful (the one which puts your comment in context), and one of which is not (the one which just lists the posts you commented on). This is deeply ontologically upsetting. Also, when you post a thread on Metatalk, the text entry box is labelled 'Description:', rather than, e.g., 'Text:', or 'Post:'. I feel this additional category violation affront is essentially a slap in the face.

May 21, 2007

ColdFusion error on MeFi's index page, cookie-related

The other day, MeFi and its subdomains started giving me the following ColdFusion error when loading the index page. (Firefox / Intel Mac, as below.) MeFi works fine for me in Safari, and I'm guessing that resetting my cookies will solve the problem. (Something's corrupted in there, maybe.) But I thought I'd pass along the error screen in case it's of interest to the powers that be... Error is as follows:


The Metafiltr project page has HTML in the title.

Wrong comment

I commented on this thread but my comment ended up in and I was being redirected to this thread.

May 18, 2007

Unclosed tags a problem in "My Comments"

When I view my "My Comments" page, everything after this comment is small. There seems to be no closing tag. The original post page is fine. Is there some auto-closing mechanism that needs to be implemented in the new My Comments page?


There isn't a footer on the My Posts page if you don't have any posts within the selected timeframe.

May 17, 2007

Starry Eyed Surprise

About those stars some people get... pointless tiny little request, but could those be given a transparent canvas so they show up nicey nice across themes? Currently when viewing with the white background they show up as a star-in-a-block. Or you could even render them as Unicode entities so they could be given the ol' CSS one-two punch and you wouldn't have to get clever with graphics.

May 15, 2007

Buggy thing.

Bug: "Favorited by others" pages may have an issue sometimes when you try to go to the next page of favorited comments. I'm not sure what causes it, but for example: mine no worky, but mathowie's does.

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