Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 591 through 600 (of 2303)

July 18, 2007

Metatalk doesn't want me to be me!!!

I'm logged into Metafilter as myself (Ramix) however when I click on the metatalk/askme links from Metfilter, it shows me logged in as user oxfcaf. Strangely though it shows me logged in as ramix as i am posting this thread. However when i navigate to askme from this posting page (metatalk) it shows me logged in as oxfcaf! What's going on?

"All favorites" display error

This page appears to be borked. (Firefox / OSX 10.4.9. Also in Safari 2.0.4)

July 16, 2007

Metafilter sites not working in Firefox

I cannot access any of the metafilter sites when using Firefox. It works in IE (what I am using right now) but in firefox I get an error message page that reads as follows: [more inside]

July 14, 2007

Dude, nobody is moderating?!!!??

Mirror Pond please! (Or do you have better ideas? If I were at Ground Kontrol, what would I drink? Should I talk to strangers or play video games? People are scarrrryyy!!!)

July 12, 2007

Odd Display Bug?

Anyone else see a weird display bug with this comment? In both IE and Firefox, the "posted by" line (and only the posted by line) for that comment (and only that comment) is not indented at all. I'm not familiar with the Metafilter code, but when I view source it looks like all the rest of the comments.

July 9, 2007

rss on tagged ask query fails if empty set.

The rss feed for "ask metafilter" tagged empty sets returns an error. (For Example.) I wanted to add a bunch of esoteric tag links to google reader that would allow me to answer those questions that I consider myself an expert in. This works fine in those situations where questions currently exist for the specified tag, but not so good when nobody has asked a question about that subject before.

July 4, 2007

Incorrect comment count

There's a minor bug in the activity page. It says "Displaying comments 1 to 50 of 490" while my profile page says I have 507 comments. Perhaps it's printing the number of total threads in which I've commented instead of the total of comments I've made?

June 30, 2007

Playlist RSS headaches

Playlist RSS pedantry: <link> might not be encoding special characters. This item isn't encoding as such in this playlist and is thereby horking up XML parsing.

June 21, 2007


Ooh, I'm so excited! My very first pedantic MetaTalk post! The text of the link on the user favorites page says "You can also view a list of the most popular in the last 24 hours," but the actual Popular Favorites page lists the "most favorited posts in the past 7 days." Do I get a prize?!?

June 20, 2007

Dog tags.

My profile says I posted two AskMes tagged with "dog", but I really haven't.

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