Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 411 through 420 (of 2303)
October 10, 2008
Unusual Characters causing trouble with titles and tags
limited characters in tags/titles? I put some uncommon non-ASCII characters in the title of a recent post on AskMe, and the address bar and tag links are kinda busted. [more inside]
No one here but ghosts and odes to Dan Savage.
Disabled accounts show up in "nearby users." I clicked on this profile and then had to click on this username (because, WTF? Was santorum taken?). Well, to make matters slightly weirder, a search for santorum brings up the username and the user's "real" name, though it's no longer visible in the profile.
Forensic MeFiles
"Shortly after 9:55 pm on October 8th, 6 comments went missing. Witnesses say they saw the 6 comments on the unanswered AskMe tab. But inside the question itself, the comments had vanished." [more inside]
October 8, 2008
Stop me if you've heard this one before ...
Is the Mondo Meta Options Greasemonkey script making Recent Activity a slow load for anyone else? What else can be used to killfile? [more inside]
October 6, 2008
Line Break Issues in "Preview"
Suggestion: In AskMeFi (and perhaps elsewhere, Idunno), line breaks in preview ought to look/work the same as when published. [more inside]
October 3, 2008
Audio Audit
How accurate exactly is the Play Counter in Music? [more inside]
September 30, 2008 redirecting to login page just redirected me several times to the login page. Then I received a warning message about security certificates. I chanced it and logged in, now everything's normal. Anybody else getting this? (btw, subdomains also redirected me to the login page). [more inside]
September 29, 2008
My Favorite Things
I have a comment on the Popular Favorites page [Yay! me] Next to the favorite count it has [remove], even though I haven't favorited it. [more inside]
September 28, 2008
favoriting comments sends me to the top of the page
Whenever I favorite a comment, the browser sends me to the top of the page. [more inside]
September 26, 2008
Login problems during debate?
Strange occurrence...earlier I was on my Asus EEE, and every time I tried to log in to Metafilter it would flash the login page quickly and then jump me back to where I was before that. No other sites had any issues, and restarting the browser didn't help. Did anyone else experience this? [more inside]
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