Posts in the Bugs Category.
Displaying 231 through 240 (of 2303)
October 13, 2010
Don't wanna see 404 no more
Login Error / Broken Link. Tried to log in. Was told to use a captcha. Didn't. Clicked log in and got a page which said: "Go back and use the captcha to log in." Clicked the "Go Back" link and got this page: which doesn't exist. [more inside]
October 1, 2010
Comment is upside-down [more inside]
September 30, 2010
Favorite limit
"You hit your favorite limit for the day." - I'm getting this message a lot today, though I "only" have 30-40 favorites. I thought the limit was 100 or so ... [more inside]
September 28, 2010
Front page rendering oddly.... [more inside]
September 18, 2010
Iphone favorite trouble.
My account doesn't remember that I favorited something with my phone [more inside]
September 16, 2010
Chrome breaking favorites?
Favorites not working in Chrome? [more inside]
Google Reader is displaying MeFi in a weird way
In Google Reader breaks in text are displaying as brbr and single quotes are not appearing. This is in Firefox and in Chrome (Win7) but not on my phone (Palm Pre). [more inside]
September 14, 2010 is dead
The front page of Ask MetaFilter contains JavaScript which references the Federated Media ad server
. However, the ad server reports that it is should no longer be used. [more inside]September 8, 2010
And there it is, gone !
September 7, 2010
me-fi "new" flag doesn't seem to work right.
The "New" Flag doesn't seem to be working right for me.
A typical day in the life of Stagger Lee:
I'll read a thread, leave and come back. Now it says "25 new!" Oh good! 25 posts to read! I'll read them and go back to the main page. But oh no! It still says "25 new!" And from there, the "new" number seems to grow, but rarely shrink.
In short: the "new" flag doesn't seem to notice when I've actually read a post, and just displays all recent activity as new.
Is this a browser problem? A me-fi problem? A mental problem?
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